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Match Writing Aid Updates - Read & Reply

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Could everyone please update their MWA's to be completely and fully correct, from ring entrances to updated nicknames and moves. I'm going to udpate the individual roster pages fully very soon and want to make sure all data is correct.

Please reply here and confirm that:

  • A) You have checked your MWA.
  • B) Whether you needed to make changes. (Yes you did, or No you didn't)

Confirmed List:

  1. Ajax The Adonis
  2. Anton Savor
  3. Captain Arcadia
  4. Damien Solus
  5. Destructo Boy
  6. Drewitt
  7. Doom
  8. Eclipse
  9. El Mariachi Muerte
  10. Ezekiel Graves
  11. Felix Foley
  12. Gravedigger
  13. Grimskull
  14. Gemini
  15. Harold Attano
  16. Hatchet
  17. Jackson Cade
  18. Jasper Redgrave
  19. Klaus Way
  20. Mighty Mighty
  21. Sunshine
  22. Nero
  23. Nox
  24. Narcissa
  25. Red
  26. The Night
  27. Wolf Fang Ayame
Eclipse has reacted to this post.

Both MWAs checked, edits made to both.

There is also an extra Gemini post in there (it’s the oldest) that you can delete.

MWA checked. Edits not made to it. Too early to update anything on him, I believe.

Checked it, No changes made.

MWA checked, seems to be in tip top shape! Might swap themes, but I'll bounce to the right thread for that.

MWA checked and No changes made

Changes made for Jasper.

No Changes for Solus.

checked and no changes

Both checked.

No changes for Sunshine.

Changed El Mariachi Muerte's MWA a bit - mainly bio and new entrance theme. Some other minor changes

Nox and Harold's MWAs have been read and both have new entrances.

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