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POP OF THE NIGHT: (What was the moment, in segment, that you enjoyed the most and why?)

BURNING QUESTIONS: (What questions does the show have you asking after reading?)

HAVE YOUR SAY: (How did you like your characters portrayal and what are your thoughts on your current storyline? What, if any, improvements could be made?)

POP OF THE NIGHT: This is going to be such a strange choice for it all, but my favorite that really grabbed me was Tea Party. I think all members involved were portrayed wonderfully. Seeing Foley getting everything prepared to only be ignored by the invited party, and the tea thrown in his face and the cementing of the Pool Boys going after the House of Zion. An absolute blast overall.


What are Nox's ploys for tormenting Destructo Boy? Just what is he planning to do with this latest batch of gas to affect the population?

What's Blaze going to do knowing that Narcissa is sending folks after him?

What's the tape going to reveal to Tombstone and us about Jasper Redgrave?

How will this challenge be raised by Master Ken? What tricks does the Great Spiros have up his sleeve?

HAVE YOUR SAY: Holy shit, that was a curve that I wasn't expecting in the slightest. Black Panther just standing out there trying to absolutely choke Blue Shark to death right after the match was a fascinating and harrowing moment. Like to see him despair, the idea that the entire rest of the Kingdom could be dead or broken elsewhere, it really drives the stakes on this one. I know I gotta be writing against Dean for it, but I'm hooked onto figuring out who exactly is. I've got this gut hunch that it's gotta be someone from the Uprising, but I'm still not sure who yet.


Tea Time was a great segment. Love the way Felix planned for all of the Children of Zion to show up. He's getting some good shine in this program. The way he was more upset about not getting an apology at the end was pitch perfect. The relationship between Doom and Foley is such a big anchor on the show every week. It adds so much to both characters.


Where were Apokalypsis taken?

Has Black Panther said a word yet? I feel like that's important. Something is up, and I feel like the person under that mask will be important.

Nox is so creepy. No question here. Just wanted to note that.


Gemini - JTR is dying? That's not foreboding at all. Love the Nox gas as the harbinger of an Uprising attack. I'm interested to see how Drewitt storms "you know where" to get his pals back. Anarchy in the Arena should be crazy.

C.J. Thorpe - Loving the feud with Attano and Thorpe. Harry has become a mega-face. He's got the backstory to make him both sympathetic and a big bad ass, and his role in this story has been perfect. I just gotta make sure he doesn't steamroll Thorpe at Bad Company!


We Want Attano!
I liked the writing with this segment very well. Also, there were two poppable moments here for me, as Redgrave was there to club Cade in the back and free Narcy from the headlock, but I could just feel the energy that would fill Olympus as Attano's music hits and Attano rushes out. Nicely well written.


Where was Apokalypsis taken?

What's Igor hiding? **


What's Igor hiding?
I've had this feeling for a while now that Igor isn't being 100% with Tombstone, but just how much is Igor holding close to his chest? With Jasper now snooping around, maybe we will find out? It would seem like Redgrave may know something, as he has brought into question the records. Time will tell if I'm write about Igor I suppose, but I've been skeptikal for a while now.. Either way, what's on this VCR tape that Jasper is about to learn of Tombstone?


Doom shouting at Colt to  "Come back and apologize!"

Then Death Valley Drivering him through a table. Foley then stating that he never apologised but thanks anyway. That's some solid stuff. Good comedic writing because it has great depth beyond the comedy. Great segment all round, but this was the pop moment. I don't want to always go with Doom and Foley because it's always such an obvious choice, but I really liked the moment.


I love that Attano is getting some serious Face Points at the moment, which then begs the question - Faces in OSW usually have pretty bad things happen to them. It's not an easy world to be a good guy in. What lies around the corner now that 'We Want Attano'?

Apokalypsis, what the hell is going on there?

Will The Uprising find Redgrave in time? What is Igor getting at, what does he know?


I'm really interested to see what the hell is happening here. Apokalypsis has been taken, and will Drewitt come to save them? I can't see that ending well for Drewitt. But then if he doesn't I cannot see it ending well for anybody else either.

This is some great stuff, I just cannot wait to see where it goes.

Bring on GHOSTS!


Gonna give this to We Want Attano. Dude's been built up as the ultimate babyface despite his past and I love it. It was a very old fashioned "face saves the day" segment and it works well, given Harry's theme song and general Stone Cold like nature in OSW. I have to wonder how long that'll last though, given that faces and heels usually tend not to stay faces or heels for too long in our little game. But in the meantime, I'm all for it and I hope that CJ and Jasper get what's coming to them when he gets his hands on them.


What is the significance of (what I assume to be) Sarah's pendant being found in the ashes of Blaze's former home? Is it just a trinket that belonged to her, or is there something else to it that I don't know about yet?

Is Tombstone's name written in Mortis's records? Jasper brings up an interesting query by mentioning it, so we have to wonder if the Ferryman has a place in the afterlife too?

What is Igor's game plan with Redgrave? What sort of video is recorded on the tape that he's playing for the Artist? With an ending like that, it's hard not to ask questions about what's coming up next.


Blaze - Blaze is going into full conspiracy theorist mode in this segment. I'm surprised to see that he has a new base of operations located right where it all started. Guess it's convenient for him to be there, since he could look for clues the perpetrator might've left behind in the arson attack. The Burning Man has definitely lost himself in his search for his wife's killer and the disturber of the peace. Narcissa definitely isn't making things look better for herself, what with sending members of the Uprising to deal with him before she gets (falsely?) deemed guilty for burning down the dwelling. Can't wait to see how this crusader retaliates against her at Bad Company.

Dahlia - Well, I certainly wasn't expecting to have Dahlia get involved in Bad Company, but I'm more than happy to have the opportunity to roleplay as her again. I liked how they stormed the hospital room John the Revelator was in to attack and kidnap three out of four members of Apokalypsis. It was underhanded for sure, but it fit their character well enough. Now I just hope we'll be able to carry that momentum into the match. They're gonna be a tough fight, considering who's handling them, but I'm sure me, Zac, and Alex will be able to pull something out of the hat. Best of luck to you all. Not that I think you'll need it.


There were some great segments on this show, and while I'd love to give it to We Want Attano, I'm involved with that one so I'll give it to Escalation here. To start, we had the perfect bit at the end of Redgrave's match where the lights went out, the Flutter, and Redgrave is gone! Of course, what follows after was an awesome segment. I'm curious as to what knowledge of Tombstone we'll get that will possibly deter Jasper, especially seeing as Redgrave is probably one of the most sociopathic people we've had in OSW.


Is JTR going to actually die here? Especially with how bad his wounds were?

What the fuck is on that VHS tape Redgrave is being shown?

Why is Black Panther dismantling the Kingdom?


Jackson Cade: We Want Attano was a fantastic segment as I mentioned before because Attano really did get the Stone Cold treatment with it. But one thing I liked about it as well is the fact that the theme of my promo got played into it! Cade seemed very willing to drop Narcissa right there and that speaks volumes about him I think. Really loved everything we got here.

Drewitt: I'm hype for this Anarchy in the Arena match. An over the top Falls Count Anywhere match is right up my alley! As for the storyline, I'm curious as to where the rest of Apokalypsis was taken. They know Drewitt will come, so clearly he has an idea where to go, right? And with JTR possibly dying? There's a ton going on here and I love very last bit of it.

POP OF THE NIGHT: (What was the moment, in segment, that you enjoyed the most and why?) 

We Want Attano 

I have to give it to this segment, it’s definitely a flashback moment to when the heels were beating the shit out of a babyface, and you just wanted to hear that glass shatter. And when it did you jumped to your feet. I never thought one of my characters could draw that type of pop but Hell Yeah Attano getting that nod is fucking awesome and I can’t express how honored being a Stone Cold fan it makes me feel to see those comparisons and feelings coming out of and directed at a character I created. 


BURNING QUESTIONS: (What questions does the show have you asking after reading?) 

What is Nox’s endgame? What is the trap that will snap shut? How long before it does? 

What steaks will the match between Panther and Python carry? 

How will Apokalypsis weather this storm? Can Drewitt save them? 

Was Narcissa part of Blaze’s family home being burnt to cinders and the loss of his wife? 

Can the Church of Zion take the Tag Titles as an offering? 


HAVE YOUR SAY: (How did you like your characters portrayal and what are your thoughts on your current storyline? What, if any, improvements could be made?) 

Nox: Damn he’s a monster, he could become my new answer to Impaler just because of how evil he is. If anything screams demonic presence is a man standing in chaos and essentially monologuing. 


Harold Attano: See my pop of the night for my feelings. I cannot tell you how much Attano’s recent reception makes me feel and how honored I am. 


One of yours? was one I really dug and might be my favorite story out of losing secondary character. The Black Panther was being the ultimate heel with threatening the life of a former ally for a match. It makes you wonder why he's so desperate to attack The Yellow Python and what made him really done with the Kingdom.


Also, made me pop to see The Yellow Python beat Attano, big win for my boy Gray there.




Where did Apokalypsis get taken to?


When will Nox's trap go off?


What kind of knowledge Is Igor giving Redgrave?



Narcissa: less of a big night for her than most but her presence was felt a lot throughout the show with her being mentioned in plenty of segments. I like how she was used to give emphasis on other stories like being saved by Redgrave but also having this interesting story with Blaze and wondering where this is going/ is Narcissa involved with the night that ruined Burned Man's life?


POP OF THE NIGHT: (What was the moment, in segment, that you enjoyed the most and why?)

Segment wise I wanna go with the combo of "Never Ending" and "Escalation," really liked the mind games Jasper plays with Tombstone and how that leads into the closing segment of the show. Really digging the vibes of this storyline overall!

Also wanted to echo the sentiment of kudos for the big Yellow Python win here, hell of a moment for sure!

BURNING QUESTIONS: (What questions does the show have you asking after reading?)

- Will we actually get some answers about why Black Panther's been acting the way he has come Bad Company, or will the answers themselves become more questions?

- Does...does Narcissa have something to do with the fire that ruined Blaze's life? Or is there something bigger at play here?

- What *is* Igor up to!?

HAVE YOUR SAY: (How did you like your characters portrayal and what are your thoughts on your current storyline? What, if any, improvements could be made?)

Thrilled to see Roderick Pym stepping up for the Uprising in trios action at Bad Company...and it's Anarchy in the Arena to boot! This is gonna be a lot of chaos (as evidenced in the name lol) and a lot of fun to see who gets the upper hand ahead of Ring of Dreams!

Loved "Tea Time" as a way to really ramp things up ahead of Bad Company. Thought the conversation was a lot of fun, and it broke down into the kind of chaos needed to put a lil more heat on everything for the tag title match. Thought the Impending Doom on Colt was hilarious considering the apology he was calling for. Hell of a segment, very much looking forward to this match!

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