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Tag Team Joint Promos?

#1 · 28 January 2025, 14:08
Quote from Felix Foley on 28 January 2025, 14:08Would I be right in assuming that we're still working together on tag team match promos, boss? I posted this here so all in the match could see the answer.
Would I be right in assuming that we're still working together on tag team match promos, boss? I posted this here so all in the match could see the answer.
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#2 · 28 January 2025, 15:37
Quote from Zeus on 28 January 2025, 15:37Yes mate, tag team promo rules still apply. You can now use the DM service of the website to message anyone on the roster to co-ordinate your plans.
Yes mate, tag team promo rules still apply. You can now use the DM service of the website to message anyone on the roster to co-ordinate your plans.
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