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WWF Attitude Era Royal Rumble

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This is a simple game, I rec'n.

We take it in turns coming up with 30 attitude era names for a rumble. We'll then eliminate the names one by one until just one rumble winner is left standing. Here's there rules...

  • You can only go once every two people unless 24 hours has passed since the last person went. For example, it oughta go like Frank, Dean, Mel, Frank. It can't go Frank, Dean, Frank unless 24 hours has gone and no-one else has posted.
  • Has to be a wrestler between 98-2002


I'll get us started...

  1.  The Rock

2. Jeff Hardy

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin

4. R-Tru--I mean, K-Kwik

5. Matt Hardy

6. Triple H

7. Kurt Angle

8. Steven Richards

How are none of you goits copy and pasting a list!?


  1.  The Rock
  2. Jeff Hardy
  3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
  4. K-Kwik
  5. Matt Hardy
  6. Triple H
  7. Kurt Angle
  8. Steven Richards
  9. Chris Jericho
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