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WWF Attitude Era Royal Rumble

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The brawl continues until Kane goozles both of them, he's charging at the ropes trying to toss them both out but Triple H surprises him from behind and tosses Kane to the floor!

  1. The Rock
  2. Matt Hardy
  3. Triple H
  4. Kurt Angle
  5. Chris Jericho
  6. Mankind
  7. Steve Blackman
  8. Ken Shamrock
  9. Owen Hart
  10. Bret Hart

Owen Hart suddenly decides his allegiance lies with the Nation of Domination and not the Hart Dynasty and cements that fact by throwing his brother Bret over the top rope!

  1. The Rock
  2. Matt Hardy
  3. Triple H
  4. Kurt Angle
  5. Chris Jericho
  6. Mankind
  7. Steve Blackman
  8. Ken Shamrock
  9. Owen Hart

The Shamrock and Blackman brawl is still going on and the rest of the ring is tired of it! Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho put an end to it by double drop kicking Blackman over the top rope!

  1. The Rock
  2. Matt Hardy
  3. Triple H
  4. Kurt Angle
  5. Chris Jericho
  6. Mankind
  7. Ken Shamrock
  8. Owen Hart

Chris Jericho goes two from two, capitalising on the opportunity to toss Kurt Angle over the top rope and onto his broken freaking neck!

  1. The Rock
  2. Matt Hardy
  3. Triple H
  4. Chris Jericho
  5. Mankind
  6. Ken Shamrock
  7. Owen Hart

Chris Jericho celebrates until he gets caught from behind by a Rock/Owen ambush, sending the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla over the top! Owen takes a lap in the ring, talking about how he did it all by himself! Woo!

  1. The Rock
  2. Matt Hardy
  3. Triple H
  4. Mankind
  5. Ken Shamrock
  6. Owen Hart

Owen Hart is so certain he did it all himself he finishes his lap by clothesline The Rock over the top rope!

  1. Matt Hardy
  2. Triple H
  3. Mankind
  4. Ken Shamrock
  5. Owen Hart

Owen Hart celebrates eliminating The Rock and does another lap! He runs right into a mandible claw by Mankind! He's fading until Mankind tosses Owen out of the ring! He did it for The Rock!

  1. Matt Hardy
  2. Triple H
  3. Mankind
  4. Ken Shamrock

Ken Shamrock starts beating the shit out of Triple H! His fists are like sledgehammers as he rains hellfire upon him! Once Hunter's knocked out, Mankind seizes the opportunity and throws Ken out of the ring!

  1. Matt Hardy
  2. Triple H
  3. Mankind

Twist of Fate to Triple H! The Game tried to stand only to get his chances at victory deleted right at the end as he's tossed over the top rope!

  1. Matt Hardy
  2. Mankind


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