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WWF Attitude Mini-Fed Proposal

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Simply put, WWF Attitude is a forum e-fed within Old School Wrestling. It's run by the members, with a new 'fedhead' taking control of the fed every single month - these will be called Seasons. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to take control. Every active player is expected to be a fedhead for a month at some point.


  • Only wrestlers from 1997-2002 will be accepted onto the roster.
  • It'll be ran the same way as OSW, with a card and a show every single week. The fedhead will decide whether Monday Night Raw or Thursday Night Smackdown will be the weekly show.
  • Promos are 200 words max.
  • The fedhead decides the feuds, match results, roster size and writes the show. The show will be in complete summary format - all matches and segments will be summerized and the storylines are created, written and delivered by the fedhead.
  • Webpages will be developed and created to host the fed information.
  • Depending on numbers, there will be a WWF World, Intercontinential and European Champion. Tags can be introduced if needed.
  • Promos will happen on the forums, as will the show. Promos are expected to be old school interviews, in ring segments, interactions and sit down interviews.


If you like the idea of this, and you'd like to participate as a handler AND fedhead, please reply. If the interest is there, I'll go about setting this up.


Sign up list:

  1. Dean
  2. Hayden
  3. Damo
  4. Laner
  5. Mel
  6. Robbie
  7. Zac
  8. Dawson
  9. Alex
  10. Brian

Hell yeah!

I'll give this a shot.


I don't know about running a show but I'd love to run a character. Can you put me down for character and if time permits, I'll run a month. It may not be possible but we'll see.


Definetly in for both

I'll join.

Count me in!

You son of a bitch, I'm in!

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