
Narcissa BalenciagaNarcissa Balenciaga, Promo

I know you’re still in there, Gemini, not this new form that has amalgamated and consumed the two beings you used to be.

No, I know the good one is still in there, still trying to be happy, still trying to give a good outlook on the world, broken like all the other parts of you but still happy despite the hurt, still smiling despite the scars, still living despite loss, still going despite being gaslit.

I need to talk to that one because I’ve had the worst of times thrown at me and when the world thought I was Hera The Happy, it felt more like I was Hera The Hated, Hera The Humiliated, Hera The Heartless.

I would see Zeus talk to women and be told I’m paranoid and crazy and seeing things. I could see pure empirical evidence of infidelity or at least the actions that lead up to it and was told I was wrong so many times that I started to believe it.

I started to believe I was hysterical, I started to think I never thought I was good enough so I was looking for evidence of it, I thought I was being crazy and that I know he loved me and he wouldn’t do that. When the world tells you you’re crazy and what you saw was false, you start to believe the lies because they’re safer than truth, you’ll take the comfort over the pain.

Then I saw it, Zeus in our bed with another woman, some no name girl that was apparently available before me. All the things I saw had started clicking together suddenly like a puzzle made for children. I wasn’t crazy, I just wanted to believe a man that wasn’t worthy of my trust. I loved him so I would follow a path of deception before forging my own path that truth eventually guided me down.

I see a lot of that Narcissa in you Gemini, you rescued me in my time of need and while our groups are about to go to war, you’ve earned my respect and you deserve honesty and just like me, the man you’re following is a man who has no business to lead.

You just like the rest of Apokalypsis are seeing visions and what does John say? He twists what you see into his own motivations. He lies to you about your true potential and makes you glorified bell hops ready to open the door at a moments notice.

You and the rest of the horsemen know it but don’t want to say anything because you want to believe he’s right. After all, your whole life is intertwined with his whims and his desires. That door is the only thing that matters to him and when it opens, the doors he opened for all of you are closed.

Take it from me, he will use you until you’re nothing to him and yourself.

Believe what your visions are telling you and keep yourself safe because if you don’t, when the door is opened, it will soon be slammed in your face.

Make your own path or you will die on his.