Just Dumb Luck

Destructo BoyDestructo Boy, Promo

Two friends walk into a casino, let’s call them Billy and Bob. Both flush with every last credit they have with the plan to strike it big and not only beat the House but prove their philosophy is the only way.

Billy’s idea is preparation, focusing in on every angle and knowing every way to manipulate the system to his benefit.

Bob’s idea is to go with the flow.  Let lady luck herself shine upon him and ride upon her blissful wave of success and come what may in the end.

As they started playing, Billy quickly got far ahead. Round upon round he came out on top, every calculation perfected as his pile of chips soon dwarfed those of Bob’s who was struggling to break even.

The players on the table slowly filtered away, leaving just the pair of friends and that’s when the tides began to shift.  Bob’s calculations began to fail, the random nature of the cards he couldn’t comprehend, the dice seemed to hiss in his general direction as his credits began to dwindle while his patience grew thin.

And Bob? For him the dice rolled true, the cards shined divine as if a horde of rabbits were dancing around him. His credits overwhelming as Billy’s dwindled down to near nothing, as the friends learned something that day.

Doesn’t matter how good or prepared you are, sometimes dumb luck wins the day.

And that’s what I’m coming at you with Muerte, because that’s what I do best.

On paper, you beat me ninety nine times out of a hundred. Multi time world champion, main evented Ring of Dreams and gained more glory then I could dream of. Your greatest victories gained through calculation and control, knowing exactly when to press the odds and fold when they were against you.  Lately though, your calculations have seemed…sloppy. From your changes in allegiance to abandoning your principles and selling your soul to Zeus himself. Yet he’s left you in the dark, worried and afraid, shying from the truth of what your intuition tells you.

A man who has gained it all through careful calculation now finds himself on the brink of collapse, about to lose everything to an idiot kid flying on pure instinct alone.

Because make no mistake Mariachi, every single thing I have done in Olympus has been a blind gamble. Yet the odds always seem to be in my favor

I won the NXT Level title on a fluke, I dipped back into that pool knowing it could’ve killed me and became a better man. I trusted that the good in my father would be enough for him not to put in the grave.

I came to Olympus a broken stupid kid with nothing but faith and hope and I’ve become a man with his family back who is ready to kick your ass and take his second title.

Because you’re better then me Muerte but her emerald hands are hugging me today.

Cause the House might be Full but Arcadia’s been dealt Four of a Kind.

Hope, Faith, Trust and Believe.

That their Hero is here to beat Judgement itself.