
Captain ArcadiaCaptain Arcadia, Promo

Every person leaves an imprint on the world behind. You don’t enter the world without changing it, and every action shapes how the whole piece works. In turn, it means that we have history, and an impact that makes to those that go beyond just who we are. It entrusts us the responsibility to make things better, and leaves little to doubt.

Legacy, as it is, is as core to being human as anything can be.

While most don’t put their daily thoughts into it, those that seek greatness inevitably become consumed by the need to leave a legacy behind. That haunting siren of leaving your name engraved on the walls of history like forgotten graffiti in the slums. Different people have different ways, as all things are.

Some seek their way to a memorable legacy by swaying the masses, speaking wise on words and reaching out their words and ways to a world with vigor and control. To speak, to lead is their legacy.

Others take to the act of creation, finding a medium and create vast, fantastical pieces that will awe the eye of the world and sow their name into the annals of history. A masterpiece to be forever remembered by.

But some take a different way. Instead of leaving a legacy focused around themselves, they shape a legacy and tradition that will outlive them and their name far more than anyone else could. A cause, a following that would truly cement themselves into history.

In these hallowed halls of Olympus though, legacy has a way of becoming dark, twisted. Something that’s more a scar on history than a proper name to be remembered.

Malakai, your legacy spreads far with your owls, reaching into places that threaten the safety and sanctity of all of Arcadia. Built on the backs of mindless followers, you do not see that the slippery stones of mindlessness will take any legacy and let it slide away into the shadows to be forgotten.

Jasper, your horrific art is known with fear and wonder across Arcadia. With twisted delight you take the blood of others and craft upon the canvas. Pain etched forever on murals and twisted pieces. How many survive though? Or like your paints, will your name be bled dry with the disgust and horror your work creates?

For in the end, self centered legacies succumb to dark ways.

When it comes to legacy, it’s not about me as a person. I did not make Captain Arcadia for fame or glory, or to be adored by the masses. I do it to become something more than me. To embody Arcadia in its whole puts a heavy weight on my shoulders, but means that every action I take leaves a legacy that can grow beyond me.

I am the hope that keeps the people of Arcadia safe.

I am the light that shines the dark away..

So bring your men, devise the best pieces you can. It won’t be enough to crush the hope of Arcadia.