Little Bird

Narcissa BalenciagaNarcissa Balenciaga, Promo

I’ve always seen myself as a protector of those less fortunate than myself.

Even when I was child when there weren’t many to fit that description , I tried to.

One morning, I heard a bird chirping but this was no musical way to start your morning, no it was the avian equivalent of a child screaming for it’s mother.

Every chirp took substantial effort from this poor thing.

Every tweet used the little air it could get into its lungs.

Every spot from the wee owlet was an amalgamation of pain and panic.

I rushed to it knowing its mother probably couldn’t save their child and left its existence up to fate.

The fates shined upon it as I cupped it into my hands barely larger than the poor creature itself and nursed it back to health.

I fed it, I bathed it, I took care of it until it became restless, sang in its cage, and tried to fly away.

Nature gave me the signs and I opened the door for it to taste a freedom it never got to enjoy.

Unfortunately, my excitement overrode logic and I exposed a bird meant for the night to pure daylight.

While I saved it from a long, painful death, I introduced it to a life of blindness.

it’s only vivid memories would be within the four walls I constantly try to forget.

I tried to nurse it to return it to the wild, that foolish childish mistake ensured it couldn’t and my house turned from a hospital into a nursing home.

Why am I bringing up a story that seems irrelevant to our match this week Malachi?

First, I want to bring up the creature that made me want to make sure I took care of others the right way.

Have I made mistakes along the way?

Sure but as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I tried to save this place with being a wife, with guerilla tactics, with the uprising, and none of it has worked.

Now, I’m here to rule and destroy.

But more intertwined with our match, Malakai, is the dark truth that little creature learned the last day it could see.

Some birds are not meant for the light of day, owls especially need to stay in the dark.

Do you understand what I’m saying Malakai or do I have to spell it out for you to listen to me like you do Tombstone?

The bright lights of the main event are simply not for you Malakai, you chose to follow a man who will always block the sun from you. He is your eclipse never allowing you to see the sun or any light that will make you think it’s a different time than the midnight hour.

This is your one moment to be in the spotlight when he is not. This is your one moment to free yourself from his cage.

I wish I could say you get to taste freedom like my poor friend couldn’t but we both know that you seed to just savor seeing the lights before you realize they’ll be the last things you see.