Lucky Break
The following interview has been transcribed by the team.
LUCKY CASSIDY: CJ, tell me, how does it feel knowing that your pop cashed in a chip for your title shot? Feel like you deserve it?
C.J THORPE: Listen, in this business, you can sit at the back of the line and take the scraps, or you can step up and take it. When my pops told me about the chip, why wouldn’t I take it? All a man.. or person I guess… deserves is what they can take.
LUCKY CASSIDY: What do you say to people who think you're getting an opportunity you don't deserve after failing at ROD?
C.J THORPE: I don’t have anything to say to those people. Did I lose? Yeah. I walked in with a full head of steam. She was weak. I should have creamed her. I didn’t. Was I overconfident? Maybe. But it don’t matter. All that matters is that the record books show Narcissa beating C.J. Thorpe at Ring of Dreams. But at Locked and Loaded, when I win the World Championship, the middle finger I raise up will be to all people you talk about.
LUCKY CASSIDY: You couldn't beat Narcissa the first time you faced her. What makes Locked and Loaded any different when you add Attano to the mix?
C.J THORPE: Did you see Pandemonium? The more people you add to the mix, the more the numbers go in my favor. So let’s add the undead fucker Tombstone. Fuck, can Mrs. Foley get in the ring? Let’s get the guy who does our cameras in the ring. Lucky, you wrestle? You think I’m fucking around, but the more people there are in the ring, the more chaos there is, and no one thrives better in chaos than C.J. fucking Thorpe.
LUCKY CASSIDY: These questions have been harsh, I know, but do you think a former convict such as yourself deserves the lucky breaks you've had?
C.J THORPE: Which lucky break? Being on Death Row? Having to make deals with the devil to get out? Fighting 44 bastards to earn the win in Lambs to the Slaughter? Nah Luck, I didn’t deserve any of those. I did my time. I’ve seen the worst they can do to me. This is all bonus time, and I’m going to make the most of every fucking minute.
LUCKY CASSIDY: Tell me CJ, what happens if you win at Locked and Loaded and your brother also wins in his contendership battle? Which side is your father on then?
C.J THORPE: Jack and I will do what all brothers do. Beat the absolute shit out of each other. As far as my pops? He’s already chosen a side hasn’t he? I got the express lane to a World title shot, and Jacky’s got to fight Redgrave for it. Fuck Redgrave by the way, I hope Jack ends his ass. And that’s all I got to say about that.
Lucky Ducky
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