
Klaus WayKlaus Way, Promo

When you hear the word mighty, what do you think of?

I think of epic monsters, of incredible feats, of unimaginable strength. Do you know why I feel like I have the right to comment on this? When I took over the circus, I knew I needed people who were mighty, so that the circus would prosper. Believe it or not the great Klaus Way will one day die, but what I build will carry on. So I searched for something great. And I found it. I scoured Arcadia for years to find someone like Ajax. Someone who is strong in body and in mind. Someone who I could tell to lift a house right from its foundations, and I’d be damn sure he’d get it moving.

But Ajax is more than just a lump of muscle who I can tell to do my bidding. I’m not some supervillain with sidekicks, where people are scared into staying. I’m an EMPLOYER, of unique people. I make it worth people’s time and effort to stay here.

And what makes Ajax unique is his mental strength. Bullied for years, made to feel wrong in his own skin, he has experienced things that would make a normal man crumble and collapse. But yet here he is, thriving. And when he sets his mind to something, he does it. And he’s deadly serious about it, unlike the ball of undue positivity I face this week.

And Mighty Mighty, you don’t strike me as all that strong. Sure you can probably lift me up and slam me down in the ring a few times, but from what I can see you are more interested in having a good time than creating some sort of meaningful existence for yourself.

So are you that mighty after all? I don’t think so. I don’t see any incredible show of strength that someone else in OSW couldn’t do. I don’t see any impressive feats. And I certainly don’t see you as an epic monster.

And this is even more laughable when you consider that as your name is MIGHTY Mighty, that means you think you’re VERY mighty.


You’re mighty wrong, that’s what you are.

True might comes from a place of experience that you just don’t have access to right now, but let me let you in to a little secret…

…might can be learned.

That’s right, Mighty Mighty. I can help you live up to your name. I can show you how to take that strength you know is there and make it mean something. Imagine that Mighty, being able to actually protect the people you think are in trouble. You could have actually helped Wolf Fang if you were indeed mighty.

Let me tell you this. There’s a place for people like you. Come on. Come home.

Welcome to the freak show. Let us show you the Way.