Musical Chairs

Mr. SunshineMr. Sunshine, Promo

The children of the Sunshine Club are gathered around a circle of chairs. Music plays, and they begin to move about, dancing and frolicking as they go. Mister Sunshine watches on, smiling widely.

Musical chairs. A classic game on the surface, but often leads to hurt feelings. Right from its very design, the game of Musical Chairs brings out the worst in people.”

The music stops and all the children rush towards a chair. One child, a small girl, misses out and bursts into tears.

“You see, the game is designed on the principle of exclusion. That’s all well and good if you are fast enough to get to a chair, or big enough to toss people out of your path.”

“But for every player who succeeds, there are many that fail to meet the requirements. They are shunned, excluded, and cast out from the game like trash. How sad.

The music plays again and Sunshine looks on.

“Arcadia is much like this game of Musical Chairs. Some flourish and thrive, those that meet the requirements to succeed. But there are many others that struggle against the odds. Those that life looks down on, and are in danger of losing their sunshine.”

“Klaus Way is the ringmaster of his own game of Musical Chairs. He dictates how many happy little campers will get to sit on the chairs, and how many will miss out. So when the circus music plays, they will dance on request in order to get themselves a seat in his favour.”

“But more often than not, they find the chair is swept out from beneath them. Klaus has his way with those at his disposal, and he controls their game through fear and survival.”

As the music continues to play, Mister Sunshine places more and more chairs at the circle, until there are far more chairs than there are children.

“I dream of a world where everyone is accepted. They don’t have to jump through hoops or claim the first chair in order to secure their place of acceptance. Klaus Way stands for all the wrong reasons. I come to play Musical Chairs in a new way, where everybody can be a winner, you just need a little sunshine.”

The music stops again, and all the children rush to a chair. Nobody misses out, which brings everyone in the circle joy. Sunshine claps and laughs happily.

“We are more than what people labels us. We have to decide for ourselves who we are. There’s plenty of room for all children under the rainbow of Mister Sunshine’s glow. Look at the fine folks of Mister Way’s circus. Deep down, they don’t want to be seen as freaks… They just want to be free.”

“Well, folks, You are more than what he tells you, how he treats you. You deserve better. You deserve a fair chance to sit in the circle, not to have the chair snatched away from underneath you.”

The smiling face of Sunshine fills the screen.

“I can show you the way. All you need is a lil’ Sunshine.