One Hundred

In Promo by Wolf Fang Ayame

[Wolf Fang Ayame stood on top of the hill overlooking the chaotic Arcadia. The brief respite before she may need to do battle again.]


“Ah. The Reverend Graves. The man who exiled Morninglory from this company. It’s really a shame I would’ve loved to have been the one to have cleansed him from this plane of existence myself, done it properly. But alas here we are. You stand with your title and I stand as your next challenger.”


[She tapped her foot a little bit] 


“People would end up comparing us for our methods, but I believe you and I would disagree vehemently. For you see, You’re not the first of your kind. I’ve seen about a hundred, nay a thousand graves enter. Some are more successful than others and with different messages. But it’s always the same; gather a large group of people by instilling the fear of a higher power deep into their soul. If someone dares speak up or speak out. They are a pest that ought to be removed. Heaven forbid you have two of them in the same area. That’s how bloodshed on a mass scale really begins. This kind of arrogance, it repeats, it’s blinded. And most of all it’s poisonous to the very soul.”

[She smirked as she adjusted her hair into a pony tail] 


“And then people will look at the wolf, what makes the wolf any different. And the simple answer is it’s fighting for what couldn’t fight back. The arrogance that was displayed brought forth the need for a warrior. Answer me this Reverend. When you built your church did you care about the trees you sliced down to make your house of God? If an animal got too close, did you strike it cruelly to send it on its way?” 

[She glared her yellow eyes glinting in the moonlight] 


“Why does your God stay quiet when the flora and fauna beg for salvation? The fact of the matter is they begged for help and it took a human form to make a warrior of the Natural Order. It took a hundred Graves, but there’s always room for one more.” 


[She began walking off heading to a clearing where there was a massive amount of flowers.]

“So Reverend come to our match and carry your title proud! It will be the only thing left of you when the crucible stops burning. Your ashes will scatter upon the wind and you can finally meet your maker. Be a true martyr like all the other good Graves were. And look what happened to them.” 


[She motioned outward to the flowers]

“There will be nothing to hold your spirit down once I remove the earthly possession of the NXT title. It will be in much better hands with me wouldn’t you agree? Enjoy the hunting grounds, and remember metal shines in the moonlight.” 


[She laughs a little holding up a singular claw as it fades into darkness.]