Pain Endured

Destructo BoyDestructo Boy, Promo

For those not gifted to hide away in their ivory towers, for the everyday schlub just trying to survive, pain is an old friend in Arcadia. From fighting day after day just to survive a single moment to dealing with the chaos and destruction that those above us dole out with little a care in the world.

The scraped knuckles from beating against the wall of freedom, the split scalps and compressed spines from being crushed by the ceilings of villany. The cuts, scars and broken bones inflicted because you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Arcadia and Pain go hand in hand but for most of us, it’s just something we have to endure. But for some, it’s a living. It’s joy, it’s purpose, it’s a vice that you cannot walk away from. A thin dark line between agony and delight that some have come to need more then the air they breath.

A pathetic shell of a man who thinks because he can endure more then most that he is something special.

We’re not that different Damien, both fools who rush head first into pain and agony like they will never feel it again tomorrow. A masochist who purposely scars and cuts his flesh so he can feel something…anything more then the dull nothing that resides in his soul and a stupid kid who wades into forces he cannot overcome only to be pummeled, beaten half to death, and thrown away like yesterdays trash.

Both of us use pain to fuel every moment we exist, but the difference between us Damien is you keep focusing on the physical. Flesh heals, bones mend and even scars eventually fade but the one pain that never truly goes away is the pain inside the soul.

Ever since I’ve come to Olympus, I have torn apart my heart and soul more times then I can count. I warped my very mind with magic, willingly sacrificed my innocence and came within inches of losing the only thing I have left in this world. But I didn’t hesitate for a single moment, I waded through the suffering and agony with a damn smile on my face.

But you Damien? You look at a pathetic asshole who might have taken you in but is using you and your friends for their gifts and know how hard it will be to do the right thing and break away…yet you don’t have the balls to suffer through that pain.

So you can mark your body all you want but we both know that if you tried to share my pain, you’d collapse. Because the thought of doing the right thing and leaving Klaus before it’s too late is too much even for you.

All you are is another victim whose been fooled into thinking he’s special. But fear not, because I will save you.

The unbreakable hero who will shoulder the pain when even you cannot endure it.