
Destructo BoyDestructo Boy, Promo

The camera fades in as we see the Kid walking through a meadow. Dry, grey leaves and roots litter the blackened, thick stone like ground as withered and ancient looking plants and trees barely standing in the desolate meadow. 

“Ask any person and this once fertile ground is exactly what Arcadia has become. Withered, rotting, desolate and broken, the rot sunk so deep into the soil that nothing would ever grow again. Hydra, Six Feet Under, Hatchet, darkened weeds and blackened mold that threaten to tear out the very heart of this world and leave it a desiccated husk”

The kid begins digging into the ground, a tough task for how thick and dry the ground has become but eventually he is able to dig down into the fading soil as he plants a single seed. 

“Ask me however and I see a ground that is withered and dying yes, but not dead. The ground, hard, cold, unhospitable to the naked eye is the image it wishes to show. Yet for those who care enough to delve deeper under the crust of rock see a  soil underneath that still has moisture and warmth as it begs for something to hold onto, to breath new life into something while they still can.”

The Kid begins to water the ground, time seemingly accelerating as the green begins poking out of the now browner soil. The Kid then turns to the roots around a large oak tree, thick tendrils choking what’s left of the life out of the wood.

“Then we have the trees themselves, trapped by the roots that suffocate them. Slowly fading away without a whisper as what was once so vibrant has lost its glow. Yet deep within the core is still strong, the whispers barely audible still ring out, it just needs help remembering the strength it once had.”

Time beings accelerating again as the Kid cuts the roots from the tree, watering it, scattering nutrients into the soil as soon life begins to spark back into the oak, looking nearly as strong as it did before.

“A doctor terrified he’s going to lose something close to him as he hardens his heart. A devious old man who treats people like objects because he’s terrified of being alone.  A young woman who once again has lost part of herself and wonders if she’ll ever be complete.”

“Shadows may have gathered as Arcadia has all but given up hope but I never will. I’ll always be there to breath life where there is none, I’ll always be there to inspire courage when all seems lost. Not while people believe it can still live and I’ll never stop believing Arcadia can be reborn”

“I’ll show the world even Doom has a soul, I’ll teach an owl that support and trust goes farther then subjugation ever will and I’ll make sure a twin soul is embraced by him once more.”

“All it takes is a single seed and it won’t matter how dark the night is. Because just like this meadow”

The Kid drops down onto the now luscious and vibrant garden, a content smile on his face

“I’ll save you”