
Captain ArcadiaCaptain Arcadia, Promo

We find ourselves in a ringside seat overlooking an empty stage. Among the empty seats, we find Captain Arcadia sitting, looking over everything with a bag of popcorn in hand. Looking over, he smiles and waves, gesturing to the seat next to him. After we get closer, he speaks. 

“I’ve always had a soft spot for the circus. There’s just something magical about the whole thing really. The flashing lights, the wonderful animals, the freakshows and the clowns. All of it runs together to dazzle you in ways that you couldn’t even imagine!”

He eats a bit of the popcorn with a contemplative look before going on. 

“And in the middle of it all is the ringmaster. The one running the show, barking the orders and keeping everything in check. If he makes one mistake it can all come tumbling down, so his presence is everywhere. From the main stage to recruiting the new talent, any ringmaster worth their salt is hands on.”

“For what little it’s worth, Klaus seems to have done the same. He’s had a successful show, and has some of the most loyal crew that I’ve ever seen in the halls of Arcadia. Though I suppose that comes from the unity of those that have nowhere else to go.”

Captain Arcadia shakes his head for a moment, before shoveling another handful of popcorn into his mouth. 

“When it comes to Klaus, I see through that unnerving smile and all that bluster. I see how he forces others, taking the lowest and most desperate. Reaching out even to children, forcing them to do dangerous tasks that risk their lives for the amazement of others.”

“By Keeper or by Ringmaster, those who prey on the unfortunate will befall the same fate.”

He discards the popcorn behind him, and stands up. 

“You may not understand why I’m out here doing what I can to save this kid Klaus, but it’s easy enough. I too was once rescued by a man with razzle and dazzle. I was sculpted along others and brought to be a show. But when it really got tough? When I needed my own Keeper?”

“I was left alone, forced to watch everything I love and care about die.”

“This child you’ve been trying your hardest to keep may have run away. Maybe he made a foolish choice, or was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But there are people out there for him. People that truly care about how he’s doing.”

“And as long as I live and breathe, I will make sure he gets back home where he belongs. Back to the family that truly, deeply loves him.”

“The time of people coercing others for a profit has passed. No longer can people like you intimidate, persuade, and beat others to do as you please. As long as I stand here, no one will ever have to worry about what you could do.”

“For every time you try, I’ll stop you.”

“For Arcadia.”