Rubik’s Cube

GeminiGemini, Promo

Gemini is doing something no one would expect.

Trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube.

“Oh, hello there!”

She wears a puzzled expression as she addresses us.

“You know, I’ve been trying to solve this little puzzle all day. It’s really quite fascinating, isn’t it? Each square has its own unique color, but they all have to work together to make it whole. It’s like, you can’t just focus on one side without messing up the other, right?”

She twists the cube, mixing the colors further.

“You see, each color might look like it’s finding its place, but then, whoop! All mixed up again because maybe I wasn’t as straightforward as I thought. It’s kind of like when you think you’re part of a team, and someone’s helping you, but they’re actually just spinning you around, mixing you up, and not in a fun dance kind of way. It makes you think about trust, doesn’t it?”

Her tone shifts slightly, a touch of sarcasm creeping in.

“And trust is like this blue square here, supposed to fit neatly next to the green, but oops! Someone’s idea of a joke is turning the whole row yellow. It’s a bit like magic, only the magician forgot to finish the trick.”

She sets the cube down, her smile fading as she directly addresses the camera.

“Speaking of magicians, I know someone who really likes to play tricks. And that someone, well, he goes by the name of Hatchet.”

Her voice becomes firmer, more pointed.

“Last week, Hatchet thought he was being really clever, getting me all tangled up in a plan that I didn’t see through. Like this Rubik’s Cube here, I was twisted and turned, thinking I was getting closer to solving the puzzle, but actually, I was just being shuffled to fit his picture. Not mine, his.”

Gemini picks up the cube again, now with a knowing smile.

“But you know what? I’ve always been good at learning games quickly. Hatchet, you think you’re the master of puzzles, pulling strings behind the scenes. But the thing about puzzles is, once you see the trick, they’re not so confusing anymore.”

Her tone is upbeat, but her words carry a sharp edge.

“And I might play the part of the puzzled puzzler, but I’m no one’s fool. You see, unlike this cube, I can’t be easily scrambled by someone else’s hand.”

She completes one side of the Rubik’s Cube, all squares matching perfectly.

“See this? It’s about alignment, about all the colors coming together just right. Because unlike you, I don’t need to hide behind tricks or deception. I’m clear as this solved side here—straightforward and true to myself. And that’s why you can’t beat me. Not because I’ll trick you, but because I’ll outplay the trickster at his own game.”

A few more twists, and Gemini sets down a fully solved Rubik’s Cube.

“So, keep your tricks, Hatchet. I’ve got clarity, and clarity beats confusion any day.”

She gives a peppy wave.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer!”
