Serenade of Shadows

GeminiGemini, Promo

Gemini is gracefully wandering among a blooming garden. She looks directly at the camera, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Oh, hello there! Isn’t it just a beautiful day? You know, sometimes I think the whole world is like a giant garden. Every flower, every little bug, even the weeds—they all have their part in this big, wonderful symphony of life. Speaking of symphonies, have you ever heard the song of a Mariachi? It’s so full of passion and, oh, a little bit of sadness too, isn’t it?”

She giggles again.

“It makes me think of El Mariachi Muerte. He’s like the nightshade in this garden of life—so mysterious and pretty in his own way, but, you know, a little dangerous too. They say he sings songs to those whose time has come, like a lullaby for a never-ending sleep.”

She crouches to photograph a particularly vibrant flower, still speaking to the camera.

“But here in this garden, where everything blooms so brightly, it’s hard to think about endings, right? Each petal and leaf sings a song of life, not death. Like his dear friend La Mariachi Vida, may she rest in peace. She was like this sunflower here—always facing the sun, always so full of life and love.”

She stands, smiling softly as she touches a sunflower gently.

“And isn’t that what makes life so precious? The sun, not the shadows? See, while El Mariachi Muerte dwells in his songs of sorrow, I dance in the light of joy and laughter. That’s why I can’t really understand why he’s so blue when there’s so much beauty in the world. Oh! Maybe he needs someone to remind him to look at the sunflowers instead of the nightshade!”

Laughing, Gemini twirls, spreading her arms as if to embrace the garden.

“I guess that’s what makes us so different. He clings to his past, to the memories of lost love, like clinging to a wilting rose. And oh, it’s so sad, because when you hold onto a thorn, it only hurts you, right? But me, I choose to remember the love, the music of life, not the silence that follows.”

She pauses, looking thoughtfully at the camera.

“You know, I really wish I could help him find his way out of the shadows. We all have our paths, tangled as they may be among the weeds and the blooms. But it’s always better to walk in the light, don’t you think? Maybe that’s why he can’t bring my memories back—because I’m all about looking forward, and he’s still singing to the past.”

With a playful wink, she leans closer to the camera.

“But come what may, when we meet in the ring, it’ll be my dance of life against his serenade of shadows. And between you and me, life’s melody is way too strong to be overshadowed by any tune of doom. So, as much as I adore a good Mariachi ballad, this time, I’ll be the one to bring the encore, and it’ll be a song of victory!”

The scene ends with Gemini snapping one last photo.