Some Rain Must Fall

Mr. SunshineMr. Sunshine, Promo

“They say that in every life, some rain must fall. But how much has fallen in yours, my little Sunbeams?”

Mister Sunshine stands in the pouring rain. Despite how drenched he is getting, he simply smiles.

“We all get ‘The Blues’ sometime in our lives. Those moments we feel the storms of life, when the rain seems to be pouring and no matter what we try… We just can’t seem to stop it?

“Even the happiest of people can have a bad day.”

Sunshine puts up an umbrella, shielding himself from the rain.

“When you feel that little ray of Sunshine within your soul is starting to dwindle, we could pout, huff and puff like angry little monsters. We could focus on how terrible it is that the world seems to be raining on our lives.”

“Arcadia is filled with pouty little monsters who have lost their light, sad folks who want nothing more than to make the world as miserable as they are. When the rain feels too much to bear, we could find ourselves becoming a sad little monster…”

He tosses away the umbrella.

“Or we can stop, breathe and smile. We can learn to dance in the rain.”

He dances, frolicking about happily and splashing in puddles.

“Sunshine once radiated from within Felix Foley’s Funhouse. The kind of guy that the children of Arcadia looked up to. That smile didn’t fade when his show was canceled, or when he met the worst of Arcadia within Olympus.”

“He could cope with finding out about his family curse and still wear his smile. When he swam in the Odyssey Pool, the waters brought out the best side of him.”

“He could cope with just about anything and still dance in the rain.”

Sunshine stops frolicking and stands still, his smile fades.

“But somewhere along the road, the rain became too much for poor mister Foley. His light was snuffed out by Tombstone. From the moment that he opened that diary and learned about who his daddy really was, the rain has poured over his life like a monsoon.”

“Now, Felix is drowning in the rain, Sunbeams. Mamma Foley, struck down with crippling fear. Our happy little Felix Foley has become something he always hated… an angry little monster, shouting at the rain he used to dance in. His sunshine has been stolen.”

Sunshine’s smile returns, widely.

“Sunbeams, we need to protect our sunshine with all that we have so the rain monsters don’t steal it from us like they did to Mister Foley. We cannot let someone else rain on our parade.”

“When you feel the rain wearing you down, don’t put up your umbrella and block it away. Learn to dance in the rain like Felix Foley used to and smile in the darkness like your ol’ pal Sunshine.”

We close up on Sunshine’s drenched face.

“One day, Felix, the rain will stop. The sun will come out tomorrow if you just let it. Even though your heart is breaking, all you have to do to let the sun shine… is just smile again.”