Ah so the hero returns, with the resolute fortitude of stone. In an average world you would have statues raised of you. Like so many other heroes of the past. A stone effigy of you to remain for all of eternity for people of the future to remember what kind of a hero that you once were. A symbol of flash and how no hero can work from the shadows. Even the kindest deed is in service of feeding one’s ego.
Take a moment to reflect for a second and wonder, Captain. Why do you dress the way that you do? Do you see yourself as a symbol of hope, a beacon of light? One that continues to draw in pests and plagues to challenge heroes like you. But it doesn’t matter to you does it? Your hubris couldn’t handle considering that you yourself are the problem. Your statue couldn’t get eroded away because your cause is just so anyone hurt couldn’t possibly be your fault.
But that’s just the thing. These statues erode in time, the facade of a hero crumbles over the passing of the ages. Whether that be literal or figurative from secrets some are hiding. It’s all the same they are relegated to the dustbin of history. Their names are forgotten as all egotists are. All the flash, and pageantry couldn’t keep them alive in immortality. Not even in stone.
I have no false delusions that my form will soon falter and I will have to look for a new host. It’s happened before and it will happen again. But I stood alongside a suffering host. Who begged and pleaded for a cleansing and I am obligated to do such an act as a protector of the natural order.
You couldn’t just let that be could you? Just like Mighty you had to be the hero, you had to save what you think was your damsel in distress. Another accomplishment to be etched into the plaque that would be placed ever so neatly at the base of the statue waiting for you.
But how did that deal end? Mighty took advantage of the situation and ran off, and you will do the exact same thing. The truth of the matter is you’re no different. So I will head this off before we let this thing spiral out of control.
I will confront you, hero and show the world what I know you to be. Then once that is finished, I will complete what should have been done months ago. Before all these distractions. I will tear down not just the statue of Captain Arcadia but rip out the demon that plagues Lutheran Locke.