I have a secret.
Don’t you want to know what it is?
Of course you do, friend! That’s the thing about secrets – they’re so intriguing…
Information unknown.
Questions you don’t have answers for.
It’s enough to drive somebody crazy!
Secrets are everywhere in Arcadia, around every dark corner, on every level.
But for every secret, there is always the danger that somebody might find out. The stickybeaks of society that cannot seem to keep their noses out of other peoples’ secrets. They know that somewhere amongst the blanket of secrets around them lies the toad of truth.
You’re one of those stickybeaks, Destructo Boy. So were your parents.
Your mother, rest her wee soul, was a stickybeak. I’m sure she wasn’t a bad person but she had her own secrets that she kept from you. I bet she never told you what she really did for a job. What kind of work she was involved in, and what the Corporation demanded from her. But as much of a secret keeper she was from you, she was a better stickybeak. She discovered the Corporation’s secret. Human trials.
A secret like that is impossible for a stickybeak to keep to herself. She was going to blow the proverbial whistle. Only… they got to her first.
Your daddy, he was a stickybeak too. Always digging his nose into every corner he could find, trying desperately to find the reason why she was killed. He needed to find the answers behind the fire that left him burned. He left no stone unturned.
He even dragged you into his stickybeaking, friend. He uncovered the same truth she did, and paid the same price.
You were raised a stickybeak, Kid, you don’t know anything else.
But here’s the thing about secrets. As intriguing as secrets are for stickybeaks to uncover, there is always somebody willing to fight to protect it. Somebody willing to take that secret to their grave.
The Corporation was never going to let a family of stickybeaks expose their secrets without consequence.
Look at what your family’s need for exposing the truth has cost you. You could be like everybody else, getting on with life and happily basking in your own ignorance… But your parents couldn’t let you. They had to go chasing answers, and now they’ve taken all of your sunshine away.
Selfish little stickybeaks.
That’s the thing about people like you. Never thinking about what people are willing to do to protect their precious secrets.
Well, I have a secret.
Don’t you want to know what it is?
Of course you do. You’re a little stickybeak.
It’s rude to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, James. Didn’t your mommy ever tell you that?
But it’s not your fault, that’s how your parents raised you – badly.
You never learn, little twerp. Perhaps you just need a little more… Persuasion.
I’m happy to oblige.
The sun will continue to shine in Arcadia so long as stickybeaks like you know their place, and keep your stickybeak out of my little secret.