“And the heathens denied me, so they were set upon by fists of righteous wrath until my love could no longer be disbelieved.”
– Ezekiel 4:20
“We all have beliefs. They are what make us the people we are – how we perceive the world around us, the people around us, the nature of life itself. These beliefs determine how we act by default, how we react to kindness, to malice, to adversity, to questions we do not know the answers to. These values that are core to our very identities are the difference between giving a homeless beggar change and beating him open and stealing their cup and it’s contents for yourself. When our beliefs have such great impact on the world around us, I refuse to believe they should be considered sacred and beyond reproach.”
“I believe in compassion. I believe that empathy, along with intelligence, is one of the two attributes that helped humanity ascend the ordinary rules of the animal kingdom. This emotional connection we have with one another that makes us help others, sometimes to our own detriment, is the backbone of civilisation. Instead of hissing at each other when we encounter one another, our ancestors shared ideas, technology, resources… And prospered. In my eyes, nothing is more human than caring.”
“I’m not alone in this. I’ve heard stories of a man… A man who showed love for all, both the good and the wicked, believing all were capable of redemption. He preached empathy for those who might ordinarily be scorned – The sick, the poor, the disabled, the foreign. He preached sharing and service and humility, he asked people to examine themselves and submit themselves to the same judgement they subject others to. The man was what some would refer to as a ‘woke libtard’. His name was Jesus.”
“I can’t imagine how one can act contrary to one’s own understanding of the world. If I am hungry, I do not seek to remedy it by starving myself. If I feel pain, I do not seek to alleviate it by stabbing the affected area. If I believe in peace and love and unity, I do not set people against one another or enforce my creed by violence. Neither did Christ. So, Mr. Graves, what information are you privy to that the son of God (whom you proclaim yourself a follower of) was not?”
“Where is the passage where he set upon those who did not or would not listen? Where is the depiction of his hands stained red? Where are the tales of the corpses in his wake? Of sending his disciples to war? They don’t fucking exist. You are a charlatan, a deluded madman, a perversion of the very beliefs you claim to stand for. Now, I don’t follow your books, and I embody them more than you do. They say an eye for an eye makes the world blind… Which is why I will pluck out both of yours. Good luck taking mine. Behold my fists of righteous wrath, and pray to your God for his love.”