Night (then named Peter Mare) was always in trouble. Drugs. Gambling. Alcohol. You name it, he was involved in it. Working for shady deviants and criminals in the underworld, his time on Arcadia was always likely to be short. When Drexl invited him to the Red Light District to discuss business, the last thing he expected was to be bound, gagged and tied to a chair. His mother, a stripper at Drexl's club was brutalized in front of him, punishment for encroaching on his business and territory. After being tortured and left for dead, Night broke free of his restraints...And then everything went dark. The next thing he remembers is waking in the rubble of The Red Light District, his body a broken mess, his mind filled with thoughts of vengeance.


The Enigma

“Darkness comes before the dawn... and I am the Night.”


About The Night







The Slums


Reckless and Suicidal

In The Ring

"Nobody Praying for Me" by Seether


The guitar to Seether's "Nobody Praying for Me" strums somberly out the arena's speakers, causing the vicinity to shut off all its lights. While the guitar plays its song, the lyrics proceed to sing out along with it.

"I'm a whisper lost upon wind,

I'm the ember that'll burn you down,

I'm the water that'll drown you,

I'm a star that's just a black hole now."

As these words ring out, a lone spotlight turns on and begins to search around the arena for someone out in the crowd. That's when the drums hit.

"I'm a terrifying danger,

I'm a fruit decaying on the ground,

I'm a swallower of anger,

I'm the tree that falls that makes no sound...

...I make no sound."

Just before the chorus hits, the spotlight finds its mark by the crowd entrance, where the Night stands, wielding his bat in both hands. The Enigma proceeds to make his way to the ring once the music comes to life, passing by the rather divided crowd without paying them any mind. He hops the barricade and points at the ring with his weapon, signaling his readiness to fight. Seconds later, he places the bat by a turnbuckle post and slides in the ring not long after, causing the music to die down. As it does, he leans against the ropes and waits for the bell to ring.


Sol Snatcher

Goodnight Vienna

Somersault Inverted Sidewalk Slam Facebuster (ala Alex Zayne's Baja Blast)

Your Worst Nightmare

Crippler Crossface

Night Cap

Leaping Shoulder Tackle

Night and Day

Springboard Inverted Senton Bomb Plancha (ala AR Fox's Lo Mein Rain)