The Story Of Hana

Wolf Fang AyamePromo, Wolf Fang Ayame

[A Pair of glowing wolves eyes pierce the darkness of the moonlit night stepping forward is The Wolf. She walks by as she begins speaking, her path lit with pale moonlight. The rasp of a low growl covering her voice.]


“It’s a cold night, and demons walk these forests. It’s a shame really. Ever since man had made their grotesque monuments to their arrogance. Their scrapers of the sky. It’s almost as if a seal has unleashed and broken.”


[She grinned a row of teeth on display, seeming sharper like that of a carnivore shining brightly.]


“It’s made these hunts melancholic admittedly. For every soul I’ve cleansed, every being that should not be I’ve eradicated. There’s so many of those that were caught in the crossroads. Bodies strewn about, those who thought their first day hiking would treat them kindly and they’d return to their normal lives without issue.” 


[She stopped and looked up at the full moon like an eye staring back at her] 


“Such was our story. The story of Hana, who wandered into these woods and died that fateful day. Her only option was to share her body with the protector of the forest. I must admit I cannot recall the last time she’s had her name shouted out. Then again as the days pass on her body has become less of hers now hasn’t it? She is a wolf in human’s clothing now. And some things you just cannot hide.” 


[She held up her hand in a quizzical fashion her nails have been hardened into claws. The weight from it forced her fingers into a curled position. She looks at it with a bit of a sigh and a shake of the head.]

“As Hana wished to go back into her normal life she couldn’t. She saw too much. Experienced too much. Most of all promised too much. She swore she wouldn’t let another person fall for the same fate that she did. Admittedly she’s done better than most of the other vessels I’ve had. Something strange about the fire in her gut.”


[The Wolf lets out a small snort of air trying an attempt at a laugh.]


“Always marching forward. That’s what she knew she had to do to survive. If she held still certain demons would burrow deep and make her doubt everything. There’s no purpose to dwelling on your circumstances; you can only make due with what you have and continue moving forward on these sacred hunting grounds that I claim. And if you falter and stall for too long. Well then…”


[Her grows wide and inhuman] 


“You are nothing but simple prey. The first to be hunted and I will make no hesitation in using you as an example. I am the protector of the Natural order, a hunter… and the hunt is on.”