The bright figure of Mister Sunshine casts a stark contrast against the glum backdrop of the slums. He stands atop a soapbox, holding a candle out for all to see.
“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” He sings, smiling widely.
“My little Sunbeams, everybody has a light within them that can shine brightly if they just let it out. As bleak as life may seem, even just a little light can brighten somebody’s day.”
He covers the candle with a bow, hiding the flame.
“But be wary. There are those around you that would take advantage of your situation and make you jump through hoops to accept your salvation. Those that make as many threats as they do promises, and tell you that you too can have the light, for just the price of your soul.”
He points towards the old run-down church that he stands in front of. He’s no longer smiling.
“Behind the doors of that church, they tell you that the light of God shines. But you have to enter to be saved, open the doors and make the right choice. Prepare for salvation or face divine judgement.”
Sunshine looks back at the candle, hidden by the bowl.
“That doesn’t seem like a place where they’ll encourage your light to shine. It seems like where one goes when they’ve got no light left.”
He takes the bowl away, and the candle slowly flickers back into life again.
“Who would light a candle and hide it under a bowl? A light should be shined for all to see. They give you enough food to survive with their so-called kindness, but keep your stomachs rumbling enough that you rely on them. They need you to need them, so that you make the choice to plead for salvation.”
“The Revered Ezekiel Graves tells you that heaven is by invite only… That’s not very nice.”
Sunshine holds up the candle. The flame once more dances happily.
“Will you cast these people down Ezekiel, like you did their friend, simply because they find their own light and no longer need your control? Will you hunt me like you did Chef Andre and Conway, because I speak of a different salvation?”
He smiles.
“Here’s the funny thing about candles; the more you shine them, the more they will glow. If you hide them away, they will snuff out. But one candle glowing can start a chain reaction of light…”
Sunshine pulls out a second candle, unlit. Tilting it towards the first, the wick soon catches and both candles burn.
“Very soon, the whole world becomes a brighter place.”
He begins lighting more candles, passing them about the crowd.
“This week, I have the opportunity to shine my light upon Ring King.”
“Let it shine… over Ezekiel Graves, so that people can see there is more than just his true light.”
“Let it shine… for every poor beggar that has been lost to the darkness the Reverend works to control you with.”
Sunshine smiles, holding his light up.
“I’m gonna let it shine.”