Through The Flames

Destructo BoyDestructo Boy, Promo

What does Olympus mean to you?

It’s sanctuary, it’s power, it’s the thing that freed them, it’s the thing that binds them. It’s terrifying, it’s beautiful and everything in between.

But for me, it’s where I first fought a true evil that would define me. And I’d get to do what I always wanted.

Fight it alongside my dad. Even if I didn’t know it yet.

I was just a dumb kid who wanted to be a hero so when I saved him from you, I just did it because it was the right thing to do. He was just a man hurting, and even though something felt familiar, he couldn’t be my dad. My dad would have wanted me to fight with him, to train me, to make me better.

He wouldn’t discourage me, try to send me away, outright stop me from doing good. So we argued, we fought and every setback and failure drew a wedge between myself and the Burned Man that not even the obvious truth could repair.

But that’s exactly what the Corporation wanted isn’t it?

You threw us into the Odyssey Pool, twisted and warped our minds to make the very worst inside of us come to the surface. You convinced us as a brother and an uncle that cleansing the wicked was the only choice available.

And then when that didn’t work, you altered and perverted the past, messing with my father’s memories to make him believe it was my fault mom died in the fire, all in order to rip us apart for good.

From the very beginning, you tied strings to our back and puppeted us to a collective demise. So terrified of what we could do together that you did everything in your power to erode us away into nothing.

But we weren’t destroyed in those flames, we were reborn into the very heroes you hated so. Emerging from your forges stronger then ever, father and son made whole.

Had you done nothing, we would’ve destroyed ourselves. A lie breaking us forever as the both of you would’ve gotten away scott free with your crimes.

But now, we’ve transformed into the very thing you feared most, the weapon that will be your undoing.

But not in the way you think.

Everything you both have done was not only to ruin our bond but to destroy the good men we are. The revelation of the truth of mom’s death was meant as a last ditch effort to enrage us, to strike vengeance in our souls and twist these pure heroes into the villains you wanted us to become.

We’re not coming at you for retribution or righteous anger. We’re coming for you because it’s the right thing to do.

It doesn’t matter what else you attempt to throw at us or who you brainwash into doing your bidding. Two of the greatest evils in this world will be incinerated by the burning flames of justice at Red Snow.

You fueled this fire. And now it’ll be used to give Arcadia the hope it desperately needs.