Season Four.
January 4th 2021 – June 28th 2021
30 Episode Season
Ring of Dreams VII finale.
The fallout from Red Snow VI began with Wrestle Heroes, in which The Sandman somehow successfully defended his OSW Championship across multiple nights of action.
Alton Whitlock was shown to have survived the explosion attempt on his life, but was brutally scarred. He became Two-Face. Two-Face began searching for the person responsible for his disfigurement, leading him to Corvus – the newest hooded figure that reminded him of the man who spoke to him before he almost blew up.
Corvus gave him a photograph proving that BEG was responsible, only when Two-Face went to Viper Roberts in hopes of striking a deal that would see one of his snakes confirm or deny it, he was given misinformation. He was told it was legitimate. As the feud between all three unravelled, Viper found out that his tech had made a mistake and that the picture was indeed doctored, leading to the tech sacrificing his life for the error. At Pandemonium, Two-Face and Viper Roberts were nearly blown up as Viper’s car was this time attacked. A message was left; Matthew VII.
At Ring of Dreams Reaper and Judge found out that the reason Judge had been pulled to Reaper is that Reaper’s wife participated in Monty Straight’s game show, effectively giving her life so that Reaper may live, upsetting the balance. Reaper and Judge, in an uneasy alliance, began to hunt down Monty Straight in a game of Cat and Mouse where Straight constantly found himself with the upper hand. The duo delivered him a crushing defeat at Game Over, but the following Month Reaper went straight after Judge.
Reaper, feeling as though Judge had wasted his time when Monty escaped them, threatened to kill him. Week after week he hunted Judge down, both men suffering injuries before they had a showdown at Fists of Rage. Following this, Judge realized that order would not be restored if all three men remained alive. He went after Monty in an attempt on the show host’s life, but Monty placed him in repeated games of choice, showing his control over the balance and over The Judge so long as he was on his set.
Finally, leading up to Lambs, Monty became the aggressor as he brought Reaper and Judge onto his show to taunt them, toying with them to his own delight and getting into their heads leading into Pandemonium.
Redwing accidentally bumped into Mister Andy at a toy store, recognizing the former SeeSaw almost immediately; only he didn’t recognize him. Redwing made it his mission to find out whether or not Mister Andy was SeeSaw and confirmed it, only his suspicion was aroused that Andy may not be all that he seems. They battled throughout the season based on this, with Mister Andy’s toy emporium being burnt down by an unknown person at Pandemonium and Redwing searching the wreckage of D’Ville’s asylum for answers that he did indeed find.
The Forever Friends arrived on the scene, immediately confronted by Rune and Carfano who didn’t believe they belonged here. Without winning a match, The Forever Friends did their best to fit in. By Wrestling Gold, despite hiding from the evil’s the world unleashed outside, Sherman Dewey was brutally murdered by an unseen monstrous force. This lead to Leah Lincoln, the Swamp Witch, offering to bring their friend back to life. At Pandemonium, despite Stoner’s attempt to stop them, they brought Dewey back from the dead only to realize that he’s an angered zombie, thirsty for their blood.
The Butcher went into hiding, hunted by the police and Blood Money Inc. Zero, CXDY and BEG searched high and low for him as Voynich and Darby Sorrow rushed him to safety. When The Butcher returned to The Slaughterhouse to help DOA fight BMI at Game Over, he was promptly arrested as Albert Shaw joined BEG’s new alliance. CXDY paid Colin a visit to enquire about his having Tyler Brooks killed. The Butcher tells him it was just business, which infuriates CXDY. CXDY is determined to find out who did it.
D’von Chambers went straight after Sigil, who was hunting for his next crystal. His journey took him to many locations, including The Tap Room. At Game Over, Sigil used the blood of D’von Chambers in connection with The Reality Crystal to bring something crazy to Earth. It turns out, he brought a war between Heaven and Hell, causing those involved in the skirmish at that time to land here. He used Chambers because he’d been to Hell and Heaven, making his blood worthy enough of effecting the Reality Crystal. Sigil did this because he was searching for his next crystal and needed to speak with an angel, only he had no idea there was a war going on.
As New York became under attack by mysterious entities, destruction began following outside The Slaughterhouse. D’von was told he had to rescue the Butcher. At Wrestling Gold, D’von lured Blood Money Inc to Gary, Indiana and with the help of Junkrat, forced them to relinquish their hold on The Butcher and have him released from prison, which they promptly did. By the end of the show, Bishop and Sherman Dewey had been murdered by something terrible, but what? The Chief then arrived in The Slaughterhouse, revealing that he now headed Heaven and their war.
Sigil, seizing his opportunity, took the Chief and questioned him about the next crystal.
At Fists of Rage, CXDY defeated The Butcher in a match and afterwards with the help of Albie Shaw, lopped one of the Butcher’s fingers off and found out that Corvus was the man he hired to kill Tyler Brooks. It was also revealed that someone wanted to destroy Berkshire Ellison Green. The Butcher meanwhile met with someone unknown to make a deal; he would stop and kill Sigil, if this person would confine the battle between Heaven and Hell into The Slaughterhouse. The agreement was struck and the war took place here, saving the world from any further damage. Meanwhile, The Chief offered to show Sigil what he knew and took him back in time to 1982.
In 1982, it was revealed that Errol Flint worked for an organisation in Las Vegas as a young man. He was bullied, brutalized and tormented by his employer until he committed suicide. In doing such a thing, he was rescued by God, in the vessel of a familiar man – The Chief’s father. God told Flint that he was extremely important and couldn’t die. He told him that he would eventually be integral to saving the world. God told Flint that he would one day in 2015 open a company called Old School Wrestling and that his life played a part in a much bigger picture, so he’s bringing him back to life. God admits that he hid his power to do this, confirming to Sigil that The Chief didn’t know how or where said power was.
Back inside The Slaughterhouse and The Chief found Nightstick, asking him to fight for Heaven. Back in the war, Nightstick refused, instead taking innocent angels and souls away from the battle. Since they’d all fell with them and died here, he was now alone. He agreed to fight for The Chief and Heaven, but only if he could get revenge on the man who killed him; The Butcher. At +1up, Lee Crowley returned mysteriously as the King of Hell, bringing his side of the war into view.
It turned out that Lee – free of Hell, was so stricken by grief when burying Axel The Shark that he agreed to allowing Lucifer to use him as a vessel – bringing him back to OSW. Jonathan Heartsford soon returned to try and stop Crowley, revealing they were lovers and in a committed relationship before Lee said yes to Lucifer. Lucifer took over Crowley’s body before he could expel the devil and killed Heartsford, locking Lee Crowley inside his own mind in the process.
At Pandemonium, The Scarecrow shockingly returned and warned that this war was never just between Heaven and Hell but Purgatory too. He said that Purgatory is an awful place where monsters’ souls go to stay and that they too wanted paradise. It was revealed that these monsters were biding their time before revealing themselves and he, amongst a few others were scoping the battlefield before being brought here. It was the monsters who killed Bishop, not hell.
The mysterious person who wanted to destroy BEG decided to hire a member of Blood Money Inc to turn on him. At Pandemonium, that person was revealed to be Albie Shaw. Also, The Chief, Nightstick and The Butcher finally met to hash out their differences. Nightstick was revealed to be an Archangel and The Butcher offered him a match at Dead Pixels to settle their differences, to which Nightstick agreed.
Meanwhile, Luke Storm joined forces with Jessie Williams to head back to Sandman’s dungeon. Here, Jessie wanted to retrieve Jimmy’s body, and Luke wanted revenge – only Ash had other ideas and stopped them. Whilst Ash, Jessie and Luke fought The Sandman at Game Over, Jessie managed to blow up The Dungeon, forever entombing Sartyr in an appropriate grave.
This infuriated Storm, who had now lost his only lead at Sandman’s destruction. We soon found out that as Sandy Rogers fades away, The Sandman does too. Without Lucid Falls and people in it, he’ll cease to exist. At Fists of RAGE, Luke fought Jessie and The Sandman fought Ash in the same house, only for the night to end with Jessie being kidnapped by The Sandman to power lucid falls. Ash Williams spent a month looking for his son only to be approached by The Sandman who wanted to a make deal. He’d release his son, but he’d have to do something for him. Ash agreed, but once he’d told Jessie about this at Pandemonium, the Prince clearly had mixed feelings.
We saw a glimpse back into history, in which someone sabotaged a vehicle belonging to a familiar face. Later, we witness another Dossier moment in which a shadow places a mask inside of a box. At Pandemonium, we this time see a familiar face leave a bloody message across an Oldsmobile.
Elsewhere, Voynich, whilst pre-occupied with most of the season by Blood Money Inc, had one goal in mind – Sigil. At Wrestling Gold, Voynich became OSW Champion and successfully defended his title against Corvus at Pandemonium, after Corvus won the Level Up Match to earn his opportunity. Shortly after that, Sigil reminded Voynich that they aren’t done and offered him information on his father should he help him locate the crystal he cannot find.
After a month of being courted by Lee Crowley and The Chief, Sigil delivered an orb by request to Crowley that turned out to be a Horseman; Nocturne. As they tried to take out Nightstick, Troy Solveig appeared as the Archangel neither Nightstick or Chief would join sides with. The Scarecrow fought The Sandman, convincing him to join forces.
Corvus was revealed to be the man behind the Dossier segments and some of the biggest moments in OSW history, including the murder of Redwings family. With some help from The Judge, Two-Face remembered back to the night of his limousine explosion, learning that friend Viper Roberts was actually the man who attempted to blow him up.
Despite a deal made between Ash Williams and The Sandman to deliver Luke Storm, Jessie Williams refused, stopping his father and instead sending Storm after Sandy Rogers. Meanwhile, in one of the biggest twists of the night, Nigel Royal returned, revealing himself to be the man behind Albert Shaw’s turning on Blood Money Inc.
At Ring of Dreams, everything came to a head. The Butcher was held captive by The Black Skull, who was furious that he didn’t hold up his end of the bargain and kill Sigil. To contain the battle between Heaven, Hell and Purgatory in the Slaughterhouse, this was an agreement they struck.
Luke Storm finally received a measure of revenge on The Sandman, bringing someone called Mordecai – someone known to The Sandman, to OSW. Mordecai revealed that Sandman shouldn’t be walking this realm and Storm revealed that Sandy Rogers dragged him from dreams and tethered them together. Mordecai killed Sandy Rogers, breaking their bond – much to the dismay of The Dream Demon.
The Forever Friends battled valiantly to save their ressurected comrade in Sherman Dewey and sacrificed their lives to finally put him to rest. Stoner was the last man standing. Mister Andy fought Rune inside The Toy Box, finally unleashing a more dangerous side of himself. When all was said and done, SeeSaw returned, murdering Rune brutally.
Corvus defeated Redwing, but the Caped Crusader had other plans – capturing the man that murdered his family and dropping him off into a high security prison facility. With Corvus now behind bars, Redwing walked off into the sunset, retiring his cowl in hope of a new life.
Jessie Williams defeated his father, forcing Ash to pack his bags and leave OSW – though he’d be leaving Jessie with someone called Joanna, who he didn’t know and Pyre won Wonderland, brutally destroying it and murdering Sweet Alice in the process.
Banzan shackled Leif Helvig using Fenrir’s chains and delivered him to the mystery man who provided them throughout the month leading to Ring of Dreams. He was left unsure about whether or not he’d made the right decision.
Sigil and Zero battled Voynich, who wouldn’t let Darby Sorrow join him for the fight. After being brutalized, Darby made the save only to cost his team the bout. When Sigil and Zero attacked, it was revealed that the document Corvus gave Voynich all those months ago actually told him that Sorrow had the Life Crystal within him. That’s why he didn’t want him to stay and fight.
Nightstick murdered Darby, allowing Sigil to take the crystal as a part of a deal that Sigil made with The Chief to find The Underworld and deliver Crowley to it. Later that night we came to learn that Darby’s lover Stephen Henstridge, was working in tandem with The Skull Order and convinced the Black Skull to save Sorrow’s life by putting the Life crystal within him.
Nigel Royal defeated BEG and sent him packing from OSW, taking every penny from him in the process. BEG was escorted from the arena, never to be seen again.
In the Main Event, the Pandemonium Curse was in event as Voynich successfully defended his OSW Championship against Lambs to the Slaughter winner Luke Storm.
As the show concluded, and our season, The Black Skull – furious that Sigil wasn’t killed and found yet another crystal, murdered The Butcher and unleashed The Terrors upon OSW.
Champions Heading Into Season Four:
OSW World Champion: The Sandman
OSW VHS Champion: Bishop
OSW Double Feature Champion: Pyre
OSW Rewind Champion: Sweet Alice
OSW Tag Team Champions: Collectors Edition (Voynich/Sigil)
Wrestle Heroes:
The Sandman survived a Twenty Seven Man Gauntlet to retain the OSW World Championship
The Sandman
Sweet Alice
The Reaper
Jessie Williams
Ultimo America
Berkshire Ellison Green
The Judge
Darby Sorrow
D’Von Chambers
Luke Storm
Monty Straight
Viper Roberts
Mister Andy
Two-Face eliminated by Bishop
Rune eliminated by Sweet Alice
The Reaper eliminated by Sigil
Jessie Williams eliminated by Sandman
Deathnote eliminated by Voynich
Corvus eliminated by Bishop and Pyre
Ultimo America eliminated by Sandman and Darklord
CXDY eliminated by Darklord
Darklord eliminated by Bishop
Bishop eliminated by the Sandman
Sigil eliminated by The Judge
Simon eliminated by BEG
The Judge eliminated by Darby Sorrow
Voynich eliminated by Banzan
Sweet Alice eliminated by BEG
Pyre eliminated by BEG
BEG eliminated by D’Von Chambers and Banzan
D’Von Chambers eliminated by Monty Straight and Darby Sorrow
Banzan eliminated by Zero
Luke Storm eliminated by The Sandman
Darby Sorrow eliminated by Mister Andy
Monty Straight eliminated by Sandman-New Tag Team Champion- 34th Champion
Redwing eliminated by Mister Andy- New Tag Team Champion-34th Champion
Zero eliminated by Sandman- New VHS Champion-38th Champion
Mister Andy eliminated by Viper Roberts- New Rewind Champion-34th Champion
Viper Roberts eliminated by The Sandman- New Double Feature Champion-30th Champion
Fury #223- New Year New Pain:
Jessie Williams defeated Sherman Dewey with the Thrillride
Deathnote and Corvus defeated Simon and Two-Face with Turn The Page on Simon
Rune and Victor Carfano defeated the Forever Friends with the Veilbreaker on Magical Miles
Viper Roberts defeated Ultimo America with the Snake Bite
CXDT defeated D’Von Chamber with the Carpe Omnia
Bishop and Sweet Alice defeated Redwing and Sweet Alice with the Down the Rabbit Hole on Mister Andy
The Sandman survives a Gauntlet match against The Judge, Reaper and Monty Straight (defeated The Judge with Deep Sleep, defeated Reaper with a Chokeslam on a steel chair and defeated Monty Straight with the 40 winks)
Voynich defeated Darklord by DQ
Banzan defeated Pyre, BEG and Sigil with Magga on BEG
Steel Cell Match: Luke Storm defeated Darby Sorrow after a falling side slam through the cell.
Fury #224-Come Get Some:
Simon defeated Sigil with Checkmate
Viper Roberts defeated Reaper with the Snake Bite
Deathnote defeated Victor Carfano with the Kiss of Death from the top rope
Darklord defeated The Judge with the Event Horizon
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Monty Straight and Redwing defeated The Forever Friends with Straight Shooting on Ultimo America to retain the OSW Tag Team Championship
BEG/Pyre/Two-Face defeated Voynich/Corvus/Sweet Alice with the Financial Crisis on Sweet Alice
VHS Championship Ladder Match: Zero defeated Bishop with Absolute Zero from the top of the ladder to retain the VHS Championship
Rewind Championship Triple Threat Match: Mister Andy defeated Magical Miles and Rune with the Big Wheel on Rune to retain the Rewind Championship
The Sandman defeated Banzan with 40 Winks
Luke Storm defeated Ash Williams with the Gale Force
Fury #225- The Last Life:
Simon defeated The Reaper and Sweet Alice with Checkmate on Reaper
Redwing defeated Monty Straight, Two-Face and D’Von Chambers with a schoolboy on Two-Face
CXDY defeated Victor Carfano with the Perfect Ending
Corvus defeated The Judge with the Garrote
Voynich and Sigil defeated Banzan/Pyre with On Wounded Legs to Pyre
Viper Roberts defeated Mister Andy with the Ode To Snake
Zero defeated Ultimo America with the Punk City Killer
Boiler Room Brawl: Darby Sorrow defeated Darklord and Deathnote after rolling out of the Event Horizon and out of the boiler room
Game Over:
Albert Shaw defeated Leah Lincoln with the Crippler Crossface
Banzan/Sweet Alice defeated Pyre/Bishop with the Magga to Bishop
The Judge/Reaper defeated Monty Straight with the Restoration
Rune and Victor Carfano defeated Forever Friends with the Veilbreaker on Ultimo America
Mister Andy defeated Redwing with the Big Wheel
Simon defeated Deathnote with the Checkmate
Corvus defeated Two-Face with the Garrotte
Sigil defeated D’Von Chambers with the Planeswalker
Viper Roberts defeated Darklord with a schoolboy
Dead On Arrival (Darby Sorrow/The Butcher/Voynich) defeated Blood Money Inc (BEG, CXDY and Zero) with the Tenderizer on BEG
The Sandman defeated Luke Storm and Ash Williams with a double Sleep Paralysis
Fury #226-Bloody Valentine:
Albert Shaw defeated Bishop with the GBH
Deathnote defeated Pyre with Turn The Page
Redwing defeated Monty Straight with Darkness Falls
Corvus defeated Rune with Marked For Death
Mister Andy defeated CXDY and Leah Lincoln after busting her open with a pair of brass knuckles
St Valentines Ladder Match: Voynich defeated Viper Roberts and D’Von Chambers after grabbing the key
St Valentines Ladder Match: Luke Storm defeated Darklord and Reaper after grabbing the key
St Valentines Ladder Match: Jessie Williams defeated The Judge and Sweet Alice after grabbing the key
St Valentines Ladder Match: Simon defeated BEG and Banzan after grabbing the key
Zero defeated Cupid with a bionic arm choke and a handful of golden sand
Voynich defeated Luke Storm, Simon and Jessie Williams after grabbing the final key
Fury #227-Wrestling Gold:
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Blood Money Inc (CXDY/Albie Shaw) defeated Monty Straight and Redwing with the Perfect Ending on Redwing to become the new OSW World Tag Team Champions- Blood Money Inc are the 35th Tag Team Champions
Rewind Championship Battle Royal: Deathnote defeated Mister Andy, Darklord, D’Von Chambers, Ultimo America, Leah Lincoln, Jessie Williams, Two-Face, The Judge, The Reaper and Shooter Landell after last eliminating the Judge to become the new Rewind Champion- Deathnote is the 35th Rewind Champion
VHS Championship Match: Zero defeated Darby Sorrow with a top rope Punk City Killer to retain the VHS Championship
Double Feature Championship Match: Viper Roberts defeated Simon, Luke Storm and BEG with the Snake Bite on Luke Storm to retain the Double Feature Championship
OSW Championship Triple Threat Match: Voynich defeated Corvus and The Sandman with the Tutankhaman’s Devestation on both men to become the new OSW World Champion- Voynich is the 26th OSW World Champion
Fury #228-Skull:
Viper Roberts/Simon defeated The Reaper/Judge with the Snake Bite on Reaper
Monty Straight/Redwing/Mister Andy defeated BEG/Albert Shaw and CXDY with the Straight Shooting on BEG
Sweet Alice defeated Leah Lincoln with Down the Rabbit Hole
Rune defeated Shooter Landell with the Veilbreaker
Voynich defeated Two-Face with the Eighth Wonder
Corvus defeated Banzan with the Garrotte
Pyre defeated Jessie Williams with the Eclipse
Darklord defeated Luke Storm with the Event Horizon
Zero defeated Deathnote with the Punk City Killer
Fists of Fury:
Stoner defeated Cole Infernus with the Roach Clip
Albert Shaw defeated Shooter Landell and Leah Lincoln with Keep Quiet on Leah Lincoln
Rune defeated Ultimo America with the Veilbreaker
The Reaper defeated The Judge with a trio of Shotgun Blasts
Banzan defeated Pyre and Sweet Alice with a Rear Naked Choke
CXDY defeated The Butcher with a cheating schoolboy
Sigil defeated D’Von Chambers with the Planeswalker
Mister Andy defeated Redwing and Monty Straight with the Big Wheel on Redwing
Rewind Championship Match: Deathnote defeated Darklord via DQ
Double Feature Championship Match: Viper Roberts defeated Simon with the Snake Bite
Corvus defeated Two-Face with the Garrotte
BEG defeated Darby Sorrow with the Financial Crisis
The Sandman defeated Ash Williams after the 40 Winks
Luke Storm defeated Jessie Williams after knocking him out with a lare cabinet
Voynich defeated Zero with the Eighth Wonder
Fury #229-Game: Press Start:
Pyre defeated Rune with the Dancing Flames
Albert Shaw defeated Stoner with the GBH
Leif Helvig defeated Sweet Alice with the Frigora
Level Up Qualification Match: Corvus/Deathnote/Simon defeated The Forever Friends with the Checkmate on Chunky Moses
Level Up Qualification Match: Luke Storm/Redwing defeated CXDY/Leah Lincoln with the Gale Force on CXDY
Level Up Qualification Match: Sigil/Mister Andy/Banzan defeated Reaper/Judge/Monty Straight with the Superfine Turbine Blast on Reaper
Level Up Qualification Match: Two-Face/Viper Roberts defeated D’Von Chambrrs with a double submission
The Sandman and Darklord defeated Zero and Voynich with a massive Powerbomb
82 Wrestling Classic:
Chuck Norris Invitational Final: Tex America defeated Jim Jitsu with the Foot of Texas
Tag Team Championship Match: Driving Dick Furiously (Dick Fury/Dr Drive) defeated Park Life (Muffy/Cotton Eye Joe) with the Atomic 69 on Muffy to retain the Tag Team Championship
Ziggy Solo defeated Tyson Evans and Chef Getchum with the Awesome Solo on Chef Getchum
US Championship Ladder Match: Jean Guy Mertal defeated Jack Russle after pulling down the championship belt
The Great Shiek defeated Sergei Kolorov, King Henry and Bull Hazard after pulling down the Iran flag
Billy Walters defeated Terrorvision with the Figure Four Leg Lock
World Championship Match: Dante Wallace defeated Robbie Lane with Dinners Served to retain the World Championship
Fury #230-Boss Battle:
Stoner defeated CXDY and Michael Miller with the Bong Hit on Michael Miller
Monty Straight defeated Sweet Alice with Straight Shooting
Leif Helvig defeated The Reaper with the Frigora
Voynich defeated Albert Shaw with the Eighth Wonder
Leah Lincoln defeated Ultimo America with Drowning In Fire
The Judge defeated The Sandman with the Restoration on a steel chair
Viper Roberts/Two-Face/Corvus/Deathnote/Simon defeated Luke Storm/Banzan/Sigil/Redwing/Mister Andy with the Snake Bite on Luke Storm
1 Up:
Michael Miller defeated Sean Pierre with the Murder Fists Rampage
Reaper defeated Darklord via Countout
Stoner defeated Leah Lincoln with the Roach Clip
Leif Helvig defeated Ultimo America after two Frigoras
Pyre defeated Sweet Alice with a modified Dancing Flames
The Judge defeated Monty Straight with the Restoration
VHS Championship Handicap Match: Blood Money Inc defeated Darby Sorrow with the Punk City Killer to retain the VHS Championship
OSW Championship Match: Voynich defeated The Sandman with Tutankhamans Wrath
Level Up Match Level One: Corvus, Two-Face, Luke Storm, Banzan, Mister Andy, Deathnote, Viper Roberts, Simon, Redwing and Sigil survive
Level Two: Two-Face is eliminated by Corvus and Redwing/Mister Andy eliminate themselves
Level Three: Viper Roberts is eliminated by Corvus, Deathnote is eliminated by Sigil, Luke Storm is eliminated by Sigil, Sigil is eliminated by Banzan and Corvus eliminates Banzan after throwing him head first into the screen to win the 1st Level Up Match and get a world title match at Pandemonium
Fury #231-Mary Had a Little Lamb:
Boiler Room Brawl: Two-Face defeated Leah Lincoln with the Heads or Tails
Mister Andy/Monty Straight defeated Reaper/Jessie Williams with the Straight Shooting on Reaper
Steel Cage Match: Stoner defeated Sweet Alice with the Roach Clip from the top of the cage
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Blood Money Inc defeated The Forever Friends with the GBH on Magical Miles to retain the OSW Tag Team Championship
Voynich/Corvus/Sandman defeated Luke Storm/Sigil/Banzan with Marked for Death on Banzan
Gauntlet Match: Leif Helvig defeated Redwing, The Judge, Rune and Simon (Redwing eliminated with the Frigora, The Judge eliminated with the Frigora, Rune eliminated with the Frigora and Simon eliminated with the Frigora)
Inferno Match: Zero defeated Pyre with the Punk City Killer into the flaming ropes
Vipers Pit Match: Deathnote defeated Viper Roberts after yeeting him into the pit of snakes
Fury #232-Whoaa On A Chair:
Leif Helvig defeated Two-Face with the Frigora
Sigil defeated Corvus with the Planeswalker
The Sandman defeated Mister Andy with To Sand
Sweet Alice/Jessie Williams and Redwing defeated Reaper/Judge/Monty Straight with the Boomstick to The Judge
Pyre and Viper Roberts defeated Deathnote and Rune with the Dancing Flames on Rune
VHS Championship Match: Zero defeated Stoner with the Punk City Killer to retain the VHS Championship
Iron Man Match: Banzan defeated Luke Storm 4 wins to 3
Pandemonium VII:
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Blood Money Inc defeated The Chosen and Mister Andy/Redwing with the Perfect Ending on Jessie Williams to retain the OSW Tag Team Championship
VHS Championship Match: Zero defeated Two-Face with the Punk City Killer to retain the VHS Championship
Rewind Championship Match: Deathnote defeated Simon with the Kiss of Death to retain the Rewind Championship
Double Feature Championship Match: Viper Roberts defeated Pyre and Sweet Alice with a top rope Ode to Snake on Pyre to retain the Double Feature Championship
OSW World Championship Match: Voynich defeated Corvus with the Eighth Wonder to retain the OSW World Championship
Pandemonium 7: Luke Storm defeated 39 other people, last eliminating Viper Roberts to win the 2021 Pandemonium and get a world title shot at Ring of Dreams
Red River Jack
Luke Storm
Ultimo America
Kaine Knightlord
Magical Miles
Chunky Moses
Sherman Dewey
The Judge
The Reaper
Leah Lincoln
Sweet Alice
Sanctus Bellator
Leif Helvig
Viper Roberts
Sterling Jim
Albert Shaw
Darby Sorrow
Monty Straight
James Silver
Cael Gable
The Sandman
Lee Crowley
Ash Williams
Mister Andy
Jessie Williams
Sherman Dewey eliminated by the Forever Friends
Leah Lincoln eliminated by The Forever Friends
The Reaper eliminated by The Judge
Kaine Knightlord eliminated by Corvus
Tenchu eliminated by Zero
Sweet Alice eliminated by Luke Storm
Simon eliminated by Leif Helvig
Redwing eliminated by Leif Helvig
Chunky Moses eliminated by Leif Helvig
Two-Face eliminated by Leif Helvig
Stoner eliminated by Viper Roberts
Sterling Jim eliminated by Monty Straight
Monty Straight eliminated by The Judge
Darby Sorrow eliminated by Corvus
Ultimo America eliminated by Rune
Magical Miles eliminated by Luke Storm
Rune eliminated by Albert Shaw
Deathnote eliminated by The Sandman
BEG eliminated by The Sandman
James Silver eliminated by The Sandman
The Sandman eliminated by Leif Helvig
Ash Williams eliminated by Luke Storm
Sanctus Bellator eliminated by CXDY
CXDY eliminated by Albert Shaw
Mister Andy eliminated by Lee Crowley
Darklord eliminated by Leif Helvig
Banzan eliminated by Leif Helvig
Sigil eliminated by Pyre
Red River Jack eliminated by Leif Helvig
The Judge eliminated by Pyre
Cael Gable eliminated by Zero
Jessie Williams eliminated by Pyre
Corvus eliminated by Lee Crowley
Pyre eliminated by Leif Helvig
Leif Helvig eliminated by forfeit
Lee Crowley eliminated by Luke Storm
Albert Shaw eliminated by Zero
Zero eliminated by Viper Roberts
Viper Roberts eliminated by Luke Storm
Fury #233-Category 5:
Reaper defeated The Judge with the Shotgun Blast
Simon defeated Captain Jack Silver, Redwing and Two-Face with the Checkmate on Captain Jack
Pyre defeated Mister Andy with the Dancing Flames
Leah Lincoln defeated Monty Straight and Sweet Alice with Drowning in Fire on Sweet Alice
TLC Tag Team Championship Match: Leif Helvig/Banzan defeated Blood Money Inc after a Firgora on Albert Shaw to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions- Helvig/Banzan are the 36th Tag Team Champions
VHS Championship Match: Zero defeated Jessie Williams with the Blue Screen of Death to retain the VHS Championship
Rewind Championship Ladder Match: Deathnote defeated Rune with the Chokeslam from the top of the ladder to retain the Rewind Championship
Steel Cage Double Feature Championship Match: Viper Roberts defeated The Judge with the Ode to Snake from the top of the cage to retain the Double Feature Championship
BEG/Sigil/Darklord/The Sandman defeated Darby Sorrow/Voynich/Luke Storm/Corvus with a cheating rollup from BEG on Darby Sorrow
Fury #234-Picture Perfect:
Mister Andy defeated Leah Lincoln with the Big Wheel
Captain Jack Silver defeated CXDY with the Blow The Man Down
Albert Shaw defeated Redwing with the GBH
Reaper/Monty Straight defeated Viper Roberts/Two Face with the Snake Bite on Reaper
VHS Championship Match: Zero defeated Sweet Alice with the Punk City Killer to retain the VHS Championship
Leif Helvig defeated Simon with the Firgora
Voynich defeated The Judge with the Eighth Wonder
Corvus defeated Pyre with Marked For Death
Sigil defeated The Sandman with a rolling cradle
Luke Storm defeated Deathnote with the Galeforce
Fury #235-A Puff of Smoke:
Monty Straight defeated Voynich with the Commercial Break
CXDY/Rune defeated Redwing/Sweet Alice with the Veilbreaker on Sweet Alice
The Impaler defeated Reaper with the Night City Blackout
Up In Smoke Qualifier: Deathnote defeated The Judge with the Turn The Page
Up In Smoke Qualifier: Sigil defeated Jessie Williams with a top rope Merciful
Up In Smoke Qualifier: Corvus defeated Two-Face with the Marked for Death
Up In Smoke Qualifier: Albert Shaw defeated Simon with Keep Quiet
Up In Smoke Qualifier: Mister Andy defeated Viper Roberts with the Big Wheel
Zero defeated Luke Storm with the Punk City Killer
Dead Pixels:
Darklord defeated Rune with the Event Horizon
VHS Championship Match: Zero defeated Darby Sorrow with the Blue Screen of Death to retain the VHS Championship
Nightstick defeated The Butcher with Absolute Justice
Sandman defeated Scarecrow with the Sleep Paralysis
Deathnote/Pyre/Monty Straight defeated Simon/Sweet Alice/Reaper with the Turn the Page on Reaper
Corvus defeated CXDY with the Contract Kill
Mister Andy defeated Redwing with the Superfine Turbine Blast into the exposed steel
Viper Roberts and Two-Face defeated The Judge with the Heads or Tails
Albert Shaw defeated BEG with a Dragon Sleeper
Luke Storm defeated Ash Williams with the Lightning Strike
Sigil defeated Voynich with the Journeys End
Fury #236-Ring of Hope:
Sigil defeated The Judge, Reaper, Simon, The Impaler and Jessie Williams with the Planeswalker on Reaper
Jack Silver, Voynich and Luke storm defeated The Sandman, Rune and Mister Andy with a schoolboy on Rune
Two-Face defeated Nigel Royal with Heads or Tails
OSW Tag Team Championship Match: Stoner/Chunky Moses defeated Banzan with Froggers Flight to become the new OSW Tag Team Champions-The Forever Friends are the 37th Tag Team Champions
VHS Championship Hardcore Match: Zero defeated CXDY and Redwing with the Punk City Killer on Redwing to retain the VHS Championship
Rewind Championship Ladder Match: Deathnote defeated Monty Straight with the Deathnote to retain the Rewind Championship
Double Feature Championship Match: Albert Shaw defeated Viper Roberts with the GBH to become the new Double Feature Champion- Albert Shaw is the 31st Double Feature Champion
Fury #237-Ring of Torture:
CXDY defeated The Reaper with the Perfect Ending through a table
Nigel Royal defeated The Judge with the Dungeons of London
Jessie Williams defeated The Impaler with the Booyah
Rune defeated Monty Straight, Stoner and Two-Face with a schoolboy on Two-Face
Pyre and Simon defeated Sweet Alice and Deathnote with an inferno shark
Sigil defeated Mister Andy with a steel chair enhanced Planeswalker
Zero defeated Albert Shaw with the Punk City Killer
Luke Storm defeated BEG with the Gale Force
Viper Roberts defeated The Sandman with the Snake Bite
Ironman Match: Voynich defeated Corvus 5 wins to 4
Fury #238-Ring of Emotion:
Redwing defeated Reaper with Darkness Falls
Sweet Alice,Captain Jack and The Judge defeated Pyre, The Impaler and Monty Straight with the Down the Rabbit Hole on Pyre
Deathnote defeated CXDY with the Turn The Page
Viper Roberts/Two-Face defeated BEG/Nigel Royal with the Snake Bite on BEG
Mister Andy defeated Stoner with an inside cradle reversal
Sigil defeated Zero with the Planeswalker
Corvus defeated Simon with the Garrotte
Banzan defeated Luke Storm with the Magga
Voynich defeated Albert Shaw with the Eighth Wonder
Sandman defeated Jessie Williams with a super To Sand
Lee Crowley defeated Nightstick with the Hideous Smiling Laughter
Brent Kersh defeated The Scarecrow with a metal stake right through him
Ring of Dreams VII:
Luke Storm defeated The Sandman with the Nevermind DDT
The Forever Friends defeated Sherman Dewey with the Hand of Lady Liberty into a grave
Toybox Match: Mister Andy defeated Rune with a deadly pogostick death
Corvus defeated Redwing with a curb stomp
Jessie Williams defeated Ash Williams with an oklahoma roll
Pyre defeated Sweet Alice with a sit out piledriver on the throne
Rewind Championship Match: Deathnote defeated Simon with the Stroke of the Pen to retain the Rewind Championship
Leif Helvig defeated Banzan with the Raeri I Slakteriet
Double Feature Championship Ladder Match: Albie Shaw defeated CXDY with a low blow from the top of the ladder to retain the Double Feature Championship
Inferno Match: Viper Roberts defeated Two Face with the Snake Oil
Sigil and Zero defeated Voynich and Darby Sorrow with the Planeswalker on Darby Sorrow
Nigel Royal defeated BEG with the Dungeons of London; BEG is forced to leave OSW
Reaper defeated Monty Straight and The Judge with the Death Sentence on the Judge
Nightstick and Troy Solveig defeated Lee Crowley/Nocturne and Scarecrow/Sandman after a Perch on The Sandman; Heaven win the battle for control
OSW Championship Match: Voynich defeated Luke Storm with the Pandemoniums’ Curse to retain the OSW World Championship
Champions at the end of Season Four:
OSW World: Voynich
Rewind: Deathnote
VHS: Zero
Double Feature: Albie Shaw
Tag Team: Stoner/?