Queen Of The Damned
Static covers the screen as a Play ► symbol appears in the bottom right-hand corner.
There’s no fanfare, no music, no fireworks. Zeus stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone. The crowd are deathly silent.
“TOMBSTONE!” He yells angrily into the microphone. The crowd boo at the mention of his name. “I want my wife back, now!”
The commentators daren’t speak.
The audience have once again quietened. Olympus has a toxic atmosphere, with the crowd scared into silence.
"Goëtia" begins to play as smoke fills the arena, causing the lights shut off. The ominous violin rings throughout the arena, creating a sense of dread and unease amongst the crowd. As the atmosphere builds and the instruments begin to swell, a single spotlight begins to fade into view.
When the lights come back on, Calypso stands opposite Zeus.
Her music softly fades into the background of boos from this displeased crowd. They despise her already. Calypso has a microphone.
“Your wife won’t be your wife for long, moun,” she sinisterly hints at him, her eyes eye and her lips pursed. Zeus grimaces, scrunching up his face. “Non, non, non, Narcissa will be your madanm no longer.”
Her voice is sinister yet somehow sensual. Zeus steps in closer, completely unafraid where perhaps he should be.
“Tell your boss to give her back, or I’ll reign hell, fire and fucking brimstone down upon each and every single one of you bastards,” he warns angrily. His eyes are like fire. Calypso steps backwards slightly, out of his warpath. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with or what I’m capable of.”
Black Magic slinks backwards once more, tilting her head and shifting her hips.
“We know what you're capable of. Two of our brothers have been laid to rest at your hand. That's why a new unholy matrimony is coming,” she warns with a grin. “And your former wife will be dragged kicking and screaming through darkness to her new marital place, beside he, our King of the Damned.”
Suddenly, Zeus’ face is full of panic. “You… what?” He queries in confusion, his voice stammering with surprise.
“Next week in the middle of this very ring, moun, she will become the bride of the damned.”
Calypso’s terrifying laugh echoes throughout the darkness before the lights return and we realize that she’s gone. All that’s left is Zeus, who’s face is pale white, like a ghost.
We head ringside to look at the equally astonished commentary team.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: [Stunned] Welcome... uh to… uh Vendetta, folks. We’re sorry for that cold open, but we were instructed to remain silent.
MATT RUBY: And we were scared… scared to say anything, frankly.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: I’m not too big of a man to admit that either. She’s terrifying, of that there’s no doubt.

BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Up next two troubled men doing battle as El Mariachi Muerte whose been dealing with his recent concerns with Gemini and The Burned Man who's still hunting the shadows of his past. Which one of these men will come out on top?
MATT RUBY: I hope they destroy each other.
Referee Mills Stanton calls for the bell and The Burned man rushes EMM John Woo Drop Kick!
EMM pulls TBM to a sitting position before hitting the ropes Penalty Kick... NO! The Balancer catches the foot of The Mariachi hitting a Leg Whip from the ground! Both men stagger back to their feet.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Great back and forth from both men, tonight!
MATT RUBY: Hell yes! Rip each other apart!
Cantando la Muerte rushes TBM Clothesline, snatched by Judgement! Spinning Uranage!
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: An impressive and skillful counter sees Singing Death come out on top!
MATT RUBY: I could’ve stood to see these two tear themselves apart a little longer but that flip thing was cool at least.

Nox, Doom and Mister Sunshine stand in Nox’s makeshift workshop before a screen that is scrolling through profiles of other Chain Reaction teams.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Taking an analytical approach to Chain Reaction I believe, trying to find a scientific edge on their opponents.
MATT RUBY: Well, two of them are. That grinning buffoon Sunshine seems to be merely deadweight.
Sunshine, instead of looking at the screen, moves about the workshop. He picks up a vial of green liquid, swirling it.
“I don’t like it here. Think of the children. What if…”
“Silence, imbecile.” Doom interrupts, without turning from the screen.
Nox snatches the vial from Sunshine’s hand and points to a spot a few feet away.
“Stand there, don’t touch anything.”
Doom, suspicious, stops and turns from the screen, his head raised as if sniffing the air.
“I know that scent.” He moves slightly closer to Sunshine. “Fungal, airborne. A member of the psilocybin family. Very… persuasive.”
In an instant, he grabs Nox by the scruff of his neck.
“So that's why you requested us to this location.”
MATT RUBY: Did I miss something?
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: As always, yes. It seems Nox has been pumping some kind of drug into the air, directed at the spot where Sunshine is standing.
MATT RUBY: So he’s trying to chemically alter his mind? Good, the smiling fool needs it!
Nox pushes Doom, the pair meet eye-to-eye. Sunshine steps between them, completely unaltered.
“Boys, boys… I don't know what's got between you two, but we’re a team!”
He wags a finger at them both,
“We need some teamwork rules. I say no fighting among ourselves sounds like a good start. Who’s with me?”
The sentiment hangs unanswered. Doom talks to Nox, ignoring Sunshine entirely.
“I will not be outdone by an inferior mind. Our problem requires a more delicate touch than mere drugs alone.”
Nox, frustrated at his plan being thwarted, turns and leaves in a huff.

BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Tonight we have Gino Carelli taking on the Thrillseeker herself, Aurora! And it appears Gino has a few men at ringside.
MATT RUBY: Don't get hasty. They could be out here to marvel at Aurora!
The bell rings and Carelli immediately goes on the attack! He flies forward with a massive forearm that drops the Thrillseeker who immediately rises to her feet only to get an elbow to the nose for her troubles!
MATT RUBY: Watch the goods you daft pillock!
Aurora lands in a heap and Carelli hits the ropes, coming back with a sliding knee that Aurora narrowly rolls away from! She leaps to her feet and runs up the turnbuckle and flies off!
MATT RUBY: With thighs like hers she could leap from the ring to my bed!
The Breath of Heaven rolls through to her feet as the Don writhes in pain! He grabs the back of his head and rolls in pain as Aurora ascends to the top turnbuckle!
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Aurora gets the win! But she's forced to flee as Carelli's men invade the ring and hastily help the Don escape to the backstage!

Hydra’s Lockeroom.
Things aren’t often quiet here, but tonight they’re deathly so. Zeus sits at his desk with his head in his hands, debating what to do next.
When the door knocks and someone comes bursting in, he expects it to be Ares, but it’s Scott Sterling instead.
And the Authority looks a little flustered.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: This won’t be good. Could there be any worse news for The Baron here tonight?
MATT RUBY: His wife is about to be married off to a psychopath. What do you think?
“I have some bad news,” he says, stopping short of the desk.
Zeus stands up, hands on hips. “Where’s Ares? Has he found them yet?”
Sterling shakes his head.
“He’s gone…” The Authority announces cautiously.
Zeus can’t believe it. The Baron looks as if someone has just punched him in the stomach. He walks around the desk to Sterling and grabs him by the neck brace, holding him tight.
Panicked, Scott elaborates. “He and your army; they’re gone. I checked the House of Sovereigns and their war quarters. There’s no sign of them. No-one has seen them, Baron. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
The Baron releases his panicked companion, stumbling backwards to sit on the desk. His shock is palpable. There’s no-one left to protect him and Tombstone is going to make Narcissa his wife.
“Six Feet Under must’ve done this,” he concludes reasonably. “First, he took my love, and now he’s taken my army. He’s protecting himself. He’s making sure there’s nothing I can do to stop him.”
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Ares and the army are… gone? Vanished? He has no-one!
MATT RUBY: I’ll be there Zeus! Just call my name and I’ll be by your side.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: I bet that’ll be of great comfort.
Both men look at each other.

BRONCO BLACKWOOD: The Artist takes on the Hero of the People here tonight. One can only hope Cap can survive Redgrave's offense!
MATT RUBY: You might. I personally hope he paints the mat with him!
Redgrave stalks Captain Arcadia, forcing him towards the center of the ring before lashing out with a massive haymaker! Cap gets nailed with a flurry of blows before taking a kick to the gut and getting lifted over head!
MATT RUBY: Vanishing Point! Crucifix Powerbomb to that loser in spandex!
Jasper looks furious as he gets back to his feet only for a leaping neck breaker to ground him! The Artist is getting his attempts at offense shut down as Cap hits the ropes-
The elbow bounces Arcadia into the ropes again and Redgrave immediately drops him with a discus clothesline! Jasper is smiling viscously as he begins to stalk the Captain! He waits for him to roll to his feet in the center of the ring!
MATT RUBY: Redgrave with the cover!
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Captain Arcadia fought well, but Redgrave has created yet another masterpiece with his victory tonight!

Team Building
Backstage, a team building exercise is going on.
Hatchet leads the way with a predatory gait, Gravedigger close behind, their faces masks of grim determination. Gemini trails slightly, her camera slung over her shoulder, unease growing with every step.
As they round a secluded corner, Hatchet halts, pointing ahead…
MATT RUBY: Aurora and Gemini both? Hatchet and Gravedigger are about to have a blast!
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: I don’t think that’s what the plan here is.
Hatchet’s voice is a low growl, barely containing his excitement. "Here’s the plan, babe. We want to win this shit, we take out one of all of our opposing teams. Simple, right?"
Gravedigger nods, his eyes fixed on Aurora.
Gemini hesitates, her voice trembling. "But... isn’t this wrong? We’re really going to hurt her?"
Hatchet snorts, dismissive. "It’s us or them, Gemini. This is how we build our team up, by tearing down the rest."
As they advance, Gemini’s panic mounts. She steps forward, her movements clumsy with anxiety, and accidentally kicks a metal bucket hidden in the shadows.
MATT RUBY: Idiot! As hot as she is stupid!
The clanging echoes loudly, drawing Aurora’s startled gaze.
Gravedigger growls and rushes in, grabbing the Thrillseeker, and throwing her into the wall. Hatchet advances to continue the assault, but Gemini trips over the bucket, and stumbles into Hatchet, pushing him into Gravedigger.
Aurora, shaken but okay, seizes the chance to sprint away.
Hatchet whirls around, his face contorted with rage as he glares at Gemini.
"You stupid bitch! You ruined it!"
Gravedigger’s anger is cold, but directed at Hatchet. "This was a mistake. She was never cut out for this."
Gemini’s eyes fill with tears. "I... I thought it was just a game."
She turns and flees.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Looks like these boys are going home alone tonight!
MATT RUBY: Her pretty face won’t always protect her.
Gravedigger and Hatchet angrily part ways, their team in shambles.

BRONCO BLACKWOOD: We've got an interesting matchup here folks, the enigmatic Nox fighting off against the Sheriff and #1 contender in Jackson Cade. And you know Cade would love to find a reason to put the Chemist behind bars.
MATT RUBY: Of course Cade would put away an innocent man, that's why I say All Sheriff's Are Bastards BB.
The bell sounds as Nox rushes forward, trying to take Cade down with a hard clothesline but Cade dodges, slipping behind Nox and dropping him right on his dome with a German Suplex. Cade backs up as Nox slowly staggers to his feet.
BREACH AND CLEAR! Jackson nails Nox with the Slingblade, rolling through as he heads up top.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: The Eagle is looking to scream as he dives off with that beautiful elbow drop...NO! Nox moves out of the way as Cade comes down hard.
MATT RUBY: Ha! Suck it porky.
Cade stumbles up, holding his elbow in pain as he's quickly pulled forward
GET OVER HERE! A brutal Short Arm Clothesline nearly decapitates Jackson but Nox isn't done, pulling Cade up as he tries to lift him up by the shoulders.
INCENDIARY ROUND! An almost instinctual roaring elbow rocks Nox, dropping Perseus as Cade rolls back before rushing forward
RIGHT INTO THE POISON MISTER! Cade is blinded by the poison as Nox takes advantage, wrapping his arms around his head
NOX OUT! Brutal reverse full nelson bomb plants Cade into the mat as Nox covers, Cole Holt sliding in to count the fall.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: A big time victory for Nox here tonight, putting the #1 contender down for the count and you have to think this may well get him a world title shot in the future.
MATT RUBY: Our so called sheriff is a one trick pony Bronco, he got lucky before but just like he couldn't beat Nox, he won't be able to beat the better brother when push comes to shove.

The Hunt II
After Vendetta...
Agora is abuzz with people hurriedly shopping for their daily necessities. Among them is Grizzly St. Claire, who is impatiently waiting to get something from a small trinket shop. He is given a burlap sack by the shopkeeper, which causes him to hand over a couple credits in return.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: What do you think is in that bag?
MATT RUBY: For the credits he spent? Probably nothing of note.
He turns to walk away, but stops upon noticing the glaring eyes of El Mariachi Muerte in the distance.
"You're going to tell me who sent you," Muerte yells. "Even if I have to chase you to the end of Arcadia!"
Grizzly then runs off in the opposite direction, with Singing Death giving chase. St. Claire tries to slow his adversary down by shoving numerous people in his way, but the musician manages to avoid colliding with them easily.
Just as the Antagonist is within grabbing distance of Muerte, Grizzly throws the burlap sack to the ground, which breaks open on contact. Inside, there were a bunch of marbles that now spill freely on the dirt road of Agora. El Mariachi steps on some of them, causing him to slip and fall to the ground with a thud. This allows St. Claire to get away from him with a smile across his face.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Marbles? You reckon Grizzly was buying those just to deter Muerte?
MATT RUBY: Whatever the case may be, it was a smart move for him to trip that crazy Mariachi up like that!
Muerte tries to start chasing after him again, but is suddenly surrounded by shoppers who are concerned about his wellbeing. They help him up to his feet, but he brushes them off and walks away, leaving them quite confused.

Digging Deeper
MATT RUBY: Where are we?
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Looks to me like an abandoned bar, Ruby. Long abandoned, I'd say.
Suddenly, the sounds of feet clacking on the aged flooring can be heard, our attention brought directly to that of Candy Kane. The gumshoe maneuvers through the decrepit business and coming to a stop right in front of a back room labeled 'Employees Only'. She smirks, pushing it open. "Jackpot."
Candy happens into what appears to be a manager's room, a red stain decorating the carpeted ground. She tilts her head, moving about and checking the drawers on the desk when a second set of footsteps joins her.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Looks like Candy has company.
MATT RUBY: Burnt, ugly company, Bronco.
"You're persistent, Candy." The Burned Man stands in the doorway, sounding somewhat impressed as he stares her down. "I never thought I'd come back here, you know. The Carelli family was... Brutal."
"There isn't a lead I won't follow. According to the public records, this was the last business officially owned by the Carelli's. Everything since then has been operated under pseudonyms, third parties." She crosses her arms, looking over the abandoned office. "What happened here, Maxwell?"
"One of their managers was giving me information. That stain belongs to him." He points to the carpet, sighing.
"His death here lead to the close. But we both know the rabbit hole goes deeper, don't we? You helped put away one of their capos involved in this, where did you find him?"
Burned Man simply chuckles, shaking his head. "I can't tell you that in good conscience, Candy. You have a good head on your shoulders, I'd hate for the underbelly of Arcadia to splatter it on the walls."
A silence follows, the words setting it. However, Candy merely smiles. "It's too bad I'm not scared of the underbelly then, isn't it?"
The scene fades as the two stare one another down.

BRONCO BLACKWOOD: We get a preview of Chain Reaction action tonight as Klaus Way takes on Gravedigger.
MATT RUBY: I'm just happy that Klaus has left his freaks behind this week. Keep them far, far away.
The bell rings and Klaus looks to tie up with Gravedigger. The Shovel isn't playing Klaus's game and flings himself suddenly at The Ringmaster.
Klaus flies backwards into the ropes and rebounds off. Gravedigger comes towards him for a second blow, but Klaus pulls down the rope and Gravedigger is sent tumbling to ringside.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Klaus Way looking like a trapeze artist!
MATT RUBY: He looks like an eccentric pillock. But it's effective.
Klaus pulls Gravedigger to his feet and grabs him by the head. But Gravedigger shoulder charges him into the edge of the ring framing, back first. He lifts Klaus above his head.
MATT RUBY: Gravedigger is rearranging Way's face. He keeps this up, Klaus could join his own circus.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: He's rolling Klaus back into the ring, looking to seal the deal.
Klaus slowly staggers to his feet, pulling himself up using the ring ropes. Gravedigger pulls him into a DDT… NO!
Klaus slips out, a backwards roll giving him space. He grabs Gravedigger by the hair.
Gravedigger hooks a leg!
MATT RUBY: Klaus Way really had his bell rung. Your winner is Gravedigger!

Blame Game
We find ourselves backstage, where a very pissed off looking Aurora is stalking the halls. She's on the warpath.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: After what happened earlier tonight, Aurora looks like she's ready to start kicking ass and taking names.
MATT RUBY: She looks like a good massage may help calm her down, some sexual healing. I’m happy to lend a hand.
Bursting through a door, Aurora corners both Jasper Redgrave and Destructo Boy in a room, mid-argument. Both look like they're already about to start slinging fists.
“All I said was that youthful blood is a more pure shade of crimson. You don't have to…”
The presence of Aurora brings things to a standstill.
“Where were you?” Aurora's finger accusingly points to both men, first at Redgrave. “You, I expect nothing less, you pathetic little slimeball.” Then, she points towards Destructo Boy. “But you, I thought might have had a shred of decency.”
Both men look somewhat puzzled.
“You clearly don't have my back. They targeted me, and you were nowhere to be seen.”
“Aurora. There's no way I could have expected…” Destructo Boy is silenced with a hand in his face. Redgrave looks indifferent.
“I don't care what happens to either of you. I'm not interested in babysitting.”
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: That didn't sit well with Aurora. She looks about ready to drop Redgrave where he stands.
Aurora steps towards Redgrave and he backs away slightly at her sudden ferociousness.
“You have my back, asshole. It's not a request.”
Aurora moves to slap Redgrave, but stops at the last second, smiling to herself as he flinches. She turns and walks away, leaving the two glaring at each other.
MATT RUBY: She's a firecracker. Some boys can't handle a woman with spirit.
“This is all your fault.” Destructo Boy blames Redgrave.
“Me? You like her so much, you watch her back.”
The pair stare each other out. Neither willing to take the blame and neither willing to back down.

Toxic Fandom
MATT RUBY: Oh what in Zeus’s name is this?
Backstage, Felix Foley is surrounded by the Unnaturals. They crowd around him, a mixture of awe and urgency in their expressions.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: This doesn’t look good for Felix.
MATT RUBY: No, but they’re the finest group of ugly folk you’ll ever meet!
Contrary to Bronco’s caution, the group is very jovial.
"We're huge fans, Felix," a shy trapeze artist starts, her tone earnest.
“You did so much for us,” another adds from the crowd.
A smile crosses Felix’s face, maybe the first one since Tombstone annihilated him.
“Thank you,” he responds. “I just wa…”
He trails off as Klaus Way enters the scene, the Unnaturals parting like water. He scans the group, his gaze finally settling on Felix.
"Foley, perhaps in spite of the rather toxic fandom my Unnaturals have for you, we need to come together if we're going to have any shot at winning Chain Reaction," Klaus states, his voice carrying an unspoken threat.
The smile runs off Foley’s face like sludge.
"I've told you before, Klaus. I won't work with anyone tied to Tombstone. I stand by that, no matter the stakes."
MATT RUBY: Just play ball you idiot!
The air thickens as Ajax the Adonis steps forward, clearly ready to enforce Klaus's ultimatum.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: The Night Owls are here!
The Night Owls storm in, led by a grim-faced Malakai Midnight.
“I told you to leave him be.” Midnight challenges. “Now you’re the problem.”
The room erupts into chaos as the Night Owls begin to clash with the Unnaturals.
Amid the turmoil, Felix seizes his chance. With a quick, determined stride, he slips through the melee, heading straight for the ring for his upcoming match.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Felix isn’t having any of those shenanigans, he’s got a big match with the World Champion coming up!
MATT RUBY: Maybe if he listened to Klaus Way, he’ll get a real shot at it.

BRONCO BLACKWOOD: We have a huge main event tonight for you folks as one half of the Tag Team Champions Felix Foley goes one on one with the World Champion CJ Thorpe in a very first meeting between the two. But the question is if either man are at their best after the turmoil they've been through the past few weeks.
MATT RUBY: Sometimes you've gotta learn hard truths Bronco and if my son was a felon or a loonie like these two, I wouldn't h0ld back on them either.
The bell sounds as CJ Thorpe explodes out of the gate, taking Foley down with a brutal Spear that nearly cuts the bigger man in half. Thorpe raining down lefts and rights with the ground and pound as Foley tries to cover up. Thorpe pulls him up to his feet, rocking him with a brutal knee to the gut before gripping him around the head and trying to run to the ropes.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: PATHFIND...NO! Foley just slips out of that deadly Hurricane DDT, pushing Thorpe away before running at him with a tackle of his own.
Foley lifts CJ up off his feet, running him into the corner with a ferocious thud before beginning to drive his shoulder over and over into his midsection. Thorpe tries slamming his elbow down hard into Felix to break the attack but Felix is relentless, stopping only to deliver a hard headbutt
BEFORE SHOWING THORPE WHY THIS IS FELIX FOLEY'S CORNER as he stomps the world champion dry into the corner. Thorpe is dazed in the corner as he's lifted upside down before being hung up in the tree of woe while Foley backs up.
MATT RUBY: You know only special kids like this type of funhouse.
FOLEY'S FUNHOUSE! Hard running basement dropkick rocks Thorpe as Foley rolls through, peeling CJ up off the mat as he twirls him around in mid-air.
BUMPED HIS....PATHFINDER! Thorpe counters the Death Valley Driver in mid-rotation, grabbing Foley's head and spiking him into the mat with a big spike DDT.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Thorpe bumped Foley's head but he can't capitalize being dazed himself. The first man to get to their feet may have the true advantage here.
Thorpe is the first one to stagger to his feet as he waits for Foley to stumble up, Felix rushing forward with a clothesline attempt that CJ ducks underneath, grabbing Foley's head before swinging him back to the mat with a snap Russian Legsweep. Thorpe rolls through, backing up as Foley rises to his feet
TRUS...NO! Foley dodges the running knee, dropping down as he Drop Toe Hold's Thorpe onto the bottom rope. Thorpe is hung up for a moment as Foley rushes forward
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: RUNNING KNEESMASH TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! Brutal move by Foley there as that may be all she wrote.
Thorpe crashes to the mat as Foley hooks the leg, Demi Sky sliding in for the cover
MATT RUBY: Gonna take a lot more then that to beat a hardened criminal like Thorpe ya looney.
Foley pulls CJ up off his feet, rattling him with a hard headbutt before lifting him onto his chest
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Beautiful save by our world champion there, he's climbing the ropes but Foley doesn't notice. Felix just turning around as CJ dives off
TWISTING MOONSAULT PRESS! It wasn't pretty but it sure was effective as Foley gets driven into the mat with all two forty pounds of Coyote. Thorpe rolls to his feet, backing up as he slowly waits for Foley to get to his feet, rushing forward as Friendly staggers up
RIGHT INTO TRUST! BRUTAL RUNNING KNEE may have knocked Foley out cold but CJ isn't looking for the knockout blow, he's looking for pure submission as he drops down, wrenching back the arms and pulling Foley back into some
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: POLICE BRUTALITY! The Rings are locked in tight folks, Foley has nowhere to go and the sheer strength Thorpe has in that hold is damn near lethal. We may see a tapout here.
MATT RUBY: Won't take long for this loser to give up Bronco, he gives up on everyone else after all.
Foley screams in pain, trying to fight his way to the ropes and he's almost there but Thorpe pulls him back into the middle, wrenching back harder as it looks like Felix may well give in. He refuses though, slowly beginning to stand as CJ pulls back with all his strength, trying to drive him back down but that ridiculous strength of Friendly is showing here.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: What in the world? Foley has CJ on his shoulders with that submission hold still locked in, the sheer determination of Felix Foley is absolutely insane here.
MATT RUBY: That's just cause he's so stupid it takes minutes for him to even register pain.
Foley screams out in agony before swinging backwards
Both competitors are down as Sky begins to count, getting to two before they begin to stir. Thorpe is somehow the first on his feet, Foley still struggling to pick himself up from the pain in his upper arms. Thorpe shakes the cobwebs off before rushing forward
SUPERKICK! It lands flush but Foley doesn't go down, instead backing up into the ropes as he bounces off
MATT RUBY: The looney's got our world champ on the ropes and now he's signaling for that stupid sock to add insult to injury.
Foley raises his hand high, looking for the Puppetshow as Thorpe slowly rises to his feet.
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: Foley gets the mandible claw locked in, will Thorpe tap out.....LOW BLOW! What a cowardly move from our world champion.
MATT RUBY: Hey, gotta win any way you can Bronco.
Foley turtles up in pain, letting go of Thorpe who quickly kicks Foley in the gut, underhooking his arms
THE RIGHT....NO! Foley slips out, kicking Thorpe in the gut before CUTTING HIS STRINGS! The Double Arm DDT hits hard as Foley collapses onto CJ Thorpe, Demi Sky sliding in to count the fall
MATT RUBY: No Damnit, don't let that kiddy diddler beat you CJ
MATT RUBY: What are these referees doing BB? There's no way that was a legitimate three count, a goof like Felix Foley couldn't have just beaten our world champion
BRONCO BLACKWOOD: He did exactly that Ruby and a clean victory at that. Foley may have a world title match coming up in his future but he'll definetly have to get in line of the many others who want a shot at the Coyote in the coming weeks.

Sin Lurks At The Door
Many Hours after Vendetta
Jackson Cade sits behind his desk in the Arcadian Police Department. What no-one tells you about being a Sheriff is the sheer volume of paperwork one must complete on a daily basis. So, when his brother walks in, he’s grateful for the distraction.
Only, CJ Thorpe isn’t in a good mood and Jackson can tell it the moment he closes the door.
“Alright, what’s wrong with you?” Cade says with a sigh, rolling his eyes.
CJ sneers a little gruffly at first, saying nothing.
“I know we’re fighting at Chain Reaction, but let’s not let that come between us, yeah? I spent most of my career searching for you, brother. I’m not interested in losing you now,” Jackson says honestly, his vulnerability managing to lower his brother’s guard. “Not over that.”
He points at the title around Thorpe’s waist.
“You know Jack, we’ve both brought offerings to our father. You brought him the Sheriff badge and I brought him this, the OSW World Heavyweight Championship,” he says angrily. “He’s shown no regard for mine. But for you, that was different. I’ve always been the black sheep of the family and I’ve had enough.”
Cade stands up and walks around the desk to meet his brother face to face.
“Fuck him!” Jackson says defiantly, talking about their father. That surprises CJ, who didn’t expect it. “I don’t feel the same way he does. I’m proud of you, brother. It’s no surprise that one brother wants to use a toy the other has, is it?” He says with a smile.
Thorpe shakes his head. “I guess not. But…”
“Look,” The Sheriff says, reaching down into his desk and pulling out a pistol. “I trust you. I’m proud of you. I believe in you. Allow me to prove it,” he hands the pistol over to a reluctant CJ. “Let’s go and end Jasper Redgrave, once and for all.”
The World Champion looks confused.
“I don’t give a fuck what pop thinks and neither should you. But these people? Arcadians? They deserve to be safe. You deserve to be safe. That can’t happen whilst Redgrave roams, so let’s go back to the gallery and put an end to him,” The Sheriff declares. “Together…”
CJ Thorpe thinks about it for a moment and nods, both men exiting the room together with one goal in mind: the end of Jasper Redgrave, once and for all.
A Stop ■ symbol appears in the bottom right hand corner of the screen as a logo flashes up amongst static.