
Narcissa BalenciagaNarcissa Balenciaga, Promo

Tombstone, let me give you some advice that I couldn’t give you while I was gagged and bound.

If you’re going to try to make a marriage happen, maybe it’s a good idea to talk to the matriarch of them.

Your view on marriage and brides is a joke, just like everything about you but the ironic thing is Zeus had the same damn views.

Be seen and not heard, constant admiration and respect that only went one way, extra power, and beauty on his side to boost his reputation and power.

The funny thing is the best time I’ve spent with Zeus was before the wedding and after the divorce. At the bookends, I was his partner. The moment I became his wife, I became his possession.

Tell me with a straight face that you weren’t going to treat me the same way. After all, we both know I wasn’t allowed any autonomy the moment you decided this unholy matrimony was bound to be.

You had me trapped in a way people actually felt sympathetic for me. You treated me so badly the man I actually stole the title from came to my defense. In what dark world do you feel like you deserve to be married? How can you possibly think you’re husband material?

Zeus knows he wasn’t a good husband, he had to admit that so we could reconcile but at least there was love there. I’ll be the first to say there’s a fine line between love and hate and I’ve jumped rope with it but do you know what the opposite of love is? It’s not hate, it’s apathy.

That’s what you and I have, you don’t care about me and I sure as Hades don’t give a fuck about you. Passion, love, fury, hate, sometimes those are natural emotions in a marriage. Apathy should never be present.

Apathy is the death of a marriage, you treated the idea of ours like an abortion, you snuffed any chance of happiness before it could breathe.

My normal advice for marriage because I still cherish the idea of it is to find someone that makes you feel loved and worthy of love. For you, it’s find someone who can make you feel anything, someone who somehow gives a damn about you. Try Calypso, if Zeus was loyal like her, they’re probably would be no uprising, no Narcissa as world champ, no reason for you to deal with me.

Marriage at its best is a partnership of equals not a license to treat a woman worse than a dog.

Marriage at its best is two people bringing the best of themselves into the relationship and making each other better not for only one to get what they crave.

In your twisted mind, you probably think you’re my husband because you said I do and I didn’t say anything.

Well here’s my answer, I don’t, I’m never going to be married again.

That’s the one vow I’ll give you.