“There’s two kinds of beings.”
“The first is loud. You might think of him to be obnoxious, but you will think of him. He stands at the precipice of greatness, shouting into the void. It doesn’t matter what shouts back; he puffs out his chest and roars. This being demands to be heard. He won’t be silenced, shunned or pushed away. With every ounce of his might, he screams at the top of his lungs. He pushes himself forward with every roar, refusing to be pushed backwards by what comes his way. The tide doesn’t change but he doesn’t sink, he swims.”
“The second is quiet. You don’t think of him. He doesn’t cause you to think of him. He doesn’t create a reaction or a fuss. This man whispers into the void, hoping that someone, anyone, will hear him. There’s no belief that what he’s doing will make a difference. He doesn’t demand to be heard and if someone were to ever listen, he’d be grateful for their ear. When the tide comes, he floats aimlessly, allowing the waves to thrash him back and forth in whichever direction they so choose. He’s amicable. He’s pliable. He’s just happy to be in the water.”
“The first being is a scream.”
“The second being is a whisper.”
“You picked up where my good friend Felix Foley left off, didn’t you Mister Sunshine. When The Funhouse was forcibly taken off the air, you stepped in to fill the void. An amicable replacement. A reasonable restitution towards the audience’s expectations of entertainment.”
“And I’m certain you believed, just like Felix, that you could make a difference. I’m certain that you believed and still do that you could be the man to spread positivity to all the children in Arcadia. But you can’t achieve this with a whisper, Mister Sunshine.”
“Because just like Felix, you stand before a vast void of darkness, whispering your message of hope and positivity into an air filled with screams. No-one can hear you. No-one wishes to. You’re not spreading sunshine, Charles. You’re whispering encouragement, drowned out by those too dominant to let you be heard.”
“I proved that to Felix, did I not?”
“Because I’m the being that screams into the void. I’m the guttural roar you hear every time you stand to whisper another word of menial pathetic encouragement. I’m the one that drowns you out, Mister Sunshine.”
“When people think of Arcadia and those in it, you aren’t thrashing against the tide, demanding to be heard. You aren’t swimming against the waves for the children you so preciously wish to encourage.”
“A whisper on a scream never changed a thing.”
“And you’re changing nothing, Charlie Boye. Nothing.”
“In the end, I will always scream louder and stand firmer. You should never fear the end, Charles.”
“Because the end is where we meet…”
“… And I will send you on your way.”