A Whisper on a Scream Part II

TombstonePromo, Tombstone

I once met a man whose voice was but a whisper. He spoke delicately but impassioned. His voice was aged and wise, yet calmly quiet. When he spoke, I listened. I was brought to my knees. I was compelled not only to listen to every single word but truly hear them. They resonated inside my mind, bouncing off the walls like an echo chamber.

All this with a whisper.

All this with such damning quiet. Such calmness. Such restraint.

I once said that a whisper on a scream didn’t mean a thing. I claimed that a thousand whispers were lost in the audible violence of a guttural roar.

And then he whispered at me.

Then I heard it.

You’re loud, aren’t you Mighty? You’re brash and excitable. You’re full of fun and joy. When Mighty Mighty enters a room, there’s not a head that doesn’t turn. Your voice carries a boom, just like every footstep you take.

But that loud voice of yours hasn’t helped with Klaus Way or the Way & Company circus, has it? You’ve screamed at the top of your lungs, searching for a way to escape their clutches.

But your services they continue to retain.

Despite your protestations, despite your loud cries and wailing screams, you’ve been indentured into servitude and there’s nothing your mighty voice can do to change it.

You’ve asked to be released.

You’ve begged to be let go.

You’ve likely spoken until your mighty voice has gone hoarse, yet nothing has changed.

Do you still believe that the Mightiest of voices – that the loudest of them all, are the only ones that can be heard? Or do you think that sometimes men like you with a big bark, carry only a little bite?

Because let me tell you something Mighty.

When I heard that whisper and it compelled me to my knees, there was nothing I could do to stop it. He spoke and I listened.

And do you know who that voice belonged to?

The Grim Reaper.

One of the most powerful beings in all of Arcadia spoke to me with a whisper and it was like a thousand decibels of screams. It was then that I learned the very truth, Mighty.

A whisper on a scream may not mean a thing…

..Unless that whisper belongs to the voice of someone truly mighty.

And in our match this coming week on Warzone, only one of us is truly Mighty.

When my whisper meets your scream, the whole of Arcadia will learn just how much it means. Gravedigger will learn.. just… how much it means.

Because you can’t kill what’s Already Dead, Mighty.

And I will send you on your way.