The Foley Family Chronicles: Daddy

Felix FoleyFelix Foley, Promo

Felix Foley: My daddy wasn’t a nice man.

Felix Foley: He was angry and in pain. It was constant. Nothing ever made him happy – not even hurting me.

Felix Foley: And boy, did he used to hurt me a lot.

Felix Foley: He would punch me, slap me, and kick me. It started when I was just a young boy. He would take all his frustrations out on me. My mom used to try and stop him, but she was just one woman against a towering inferno of anger.

Felix Foley: What could she do?

Felix Foley: The older I got, the worse it seemed to be. I found myself at medical at least once a month, but they wouldn’t do anything. My family was respected in the hierarchy of Arcadia. The Doctors and Nurses turned a blind eye.

Felix Foley: In their mind, what they couldn’t see, couldn’t harm them.

Felix Foley: I saw everything.

Felix Foley: You see, it didn’t matter how tightly I closed my eyes and hid in the darkness. It didn’t matter whether I looked him in the eye or kept them closed. I could’ve been blind. It didn’t matter if I screamed in agony or yelped gasping for breath.

Felix Foley: Nothing would stop him until he was finished.

Felix Foley: And now I’m supposed to stand across the ring in defence of my Tag Team Championships against two men who have two very distinct claims.

Felix Foley: Grimskull says that by lowering oneself and enduring pain, you can achieve freedom.

Felix Foley: Vision says that to truly see, one must be blinded.

Felix Foley: My father went from beating the holy heck out of me to searing my skin with cigarettes. He would flick ash in my face and torture me daily. I would leave home with bruises, blemishes, cuts, and scars every single day. I was the walking decoration of abuse and violence. I endured it. I suffered it. I survived despite it, not because of it.

Felix Foley: I endured more pain than any young boy should ever have to endure. I lost myself in my puppets to survive. I would transcend this form you see me in today and become one of them.

Felix Foley: And when it became too much, I would pretend to be asleep. I would close my eyes so that I couldn’t see. I hoped that by doing so, he would leave me alone. I hoped that I could find a way out.

Felix Foley: Do you think it worked, fellas?

Felix Foley: Because I know it didn’t. I know the rhetoric you both share is false. It’s all lies. Neither of you know a single word of what you speak. I do. I know it because I suffered it first hand for years.

Felix Foley: Suffering and enduring pain didn’t make me free.

Felix Foley: Closing my eyes didn’t make me see. 

Felix Foley: I’m here today to speak to the children that need me. I’m here to be the father I never had for boys and girls that don’t have one. I won’t let your lies deceive them.

Felix Foley: I’m a man of many voices.

Felix Foley: But this one belongs to me.