
In Jackson Cade, Promo by Jackson Cade

“Have you ever truly stared death in the face?”

Sheriff Cade stands before a grave, one freshly dug. The tombstone atop of it reads the name ‘Blankenship’.

“I always liked to think that of all these years, all the pain and suffering I’ve seen, that when I finally stared down my demise, I would have been braver. Looked down the barrels of those guns and accepted my fate. And yet, when I looked upon the firing squad I gathered? I was scared.”

He gives a sad chuckle.

“Fucking terrified.”

Jackson kneels next to the grave, placing his hand upon it.

“But, as I sat frozen in fear, there was a man who leaped into action, who was braver than I was. Blankenship, you were a good man. Because you did what I couldn’t. You stared death in the eye, made the decision to act. As the sound of your demise echoed through the metalworks you weren’t deterred.”

He looks away, ashamed.

“You saved me. No matter how much you detested me, how little you agreed with my decisions, you didn’t care. Be it hell or high water, you did what you thought was right. Nothing I do, nothing I say, could ever repay your sacrifice.”

Cade reaches into his pocket, pulling out a badge and laying it upon the grave.

“But you’ve inspired me. In a just a week I’ll have to descend into the boiler room and just like you, I’ll have to stare down my own demise. Tombstone is the embodiment of death in Arcadia. He’s the bullet in your heart, the knife to your throat, and soon enough he’ll be the specter standing between me and freedom. Ever eager to place me upon his boat and ferry me just like he did unto you.”

Jackson stands up, shaking his head.

“I’ll have to stand across from death once more, but unlike last time where I sat slack jawed staring, paralyzed by fear? This time, I’ll do what I should have done. What you would have done, officer. I’m going to do what’s right. Even if it means I bleed, even if my heart pounds in my ears and the life drains from my eyes.”

He grits his teeth.

“Anything to make sure the rest of Arcadia doesn’t have to live in fear of Tombstone and his ilk. He’s a loaded pistol in the hands of the devil himself, and if taking that bullet means Arcadia rests easy, then so be it. By the end of next week, I may very well be laid to rest right next to you. Another boy in blue buried six feet under.”

“Because, at the end of the day, death comes for us all.”

Cade walks away, hands in his pockets.

“But I’ll fight like hell to make sure your wasn’t in vein.”

“I’m going to stare death in the eye as I fight for my life with all that I have.”

“And even if I fall. Even if I get ferried down the river Styx.”

“I’ll make Tombstone wish death could come for him too.”
