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Dr. Death



Three Days Grace- Time of Dying


White light floods the arena.

“Time of Dying” by Three Days Grace blasts from the speakers as none other than Dr. Death walks through the entrance.

He stops atop the stage and surveys the arena before commencing down the ramp. Using his cane, Dr. Death turns, walks up the steps and slowly steps through the ropes.

Standing in the middle of the ring, he twirls his cane around a white fog that dissipates as he points it straight at the hard cam.


After years of practice on the scum within the bowels of Arcadia, the man known as ”Dr. Death” has built a reputation as a miracle worker. Though means of his medicine are considered unorthodox, even barbaric, the prestige he has attained has allowed him to climb the rungs of society’s ladder and now he has gained the attention of the upper crust members of the wall, namely Zeus.

Dr. Death’s core motivation is to make all the money he never had growing up in the lower floors of The Wall, and he is open for business to accomplish this goal.

Those who know him and his family are either dead or have no credibility in the eyes of anyone who matters, so speculation is rampant over who this man’s identity is. What we do know is he has a vendetta against the Mariachis, going so far as to use La Mariachi Vida as Nurse Frightengale in order to get to El Mariachi Muerte.

After trading the OSW Championship back and forth with El Mariachi Muerte in the midst of a blood feud, Dr. Death manipulated EMM into killing LMV with a Deathsong when the feud came to a head with a grudge match at Red Snow IX. After Dr. Death lost the match, EMM said something that made Dr. Death step away and relent in his mariachi hunt… what did EMM say to him?