
Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo

“One thing my mother always told me was that the key to a good relationship was simple.”


“As a kid I don’t think I fully understood what she meant. Of course you communicate, right? You speak to one another, talk about work, errands. The small things.”

“But as I grew older I realized just what she meant.”

“See, her and my father kept no secrets from one another. A secret, she said, was like a roach infestation. Outwardly it may not seem like much to see one here or there, a white lie or two. Yet if left unchecked, it begins to fester. What was once a single bug on the hardwoods quickly becomes a swarm crawling out of the walls and tearing apart the home you built.”

“And no matter how quickly you try to stomp them out more appear to take their place.”

“Eventually you’ll begin to realize that the whole house you live in is infected and nothing short of bug bombing your whole home could even hope to save it.”

“Hell, even if you do clear out the infestation, you’ll never really feel clean again.”

“Your whole home, your relationship, destroyed because you couldn’t simply communicate to one another about that very first roach.”

“Gemini, you seem sweet and while I have no qualms about taking you down I figure I should pass on some of my mother’s advice to you.”

“You and I both know that your newest paramour is hiding something from you, don’t we? The way he talks to Zeus, the whisper in his voice and the way his eyes shift away when you ask him what’s going on? Deep within your heart you can tell that something’s gone awry.”

“That’s the very first roach appearing in your home.”

“Now, either you can get rid of it now, make him air it out to you…”

“Or you can sit back and let it fester beneath the surface. What’s one little roach when you love the house so much? What does it matter that he has one or two little secrets that he refuses to tell you?”

“You can think that now, you can believe his lies because it’s easy to pretend you didn’t see the bug in the first place.”

“But before you know it everything is going to come crashing down as that little lie begins to spread.”

“And before you know it the relationship you hold so dear is overrun by lies and deceit.”

“Now, we don’t know each other too well, Gemini. But let me communicate something to you as clearly as I can.”

“The House of Judgement is lying to you, Muerte is hiding things from you, and your whole world is going to come crumbling down once you realize this.”

“But beyond that? My mother was harmed by some of your allies and I’m beyond fucking pissed.”

“I’m not lying when I say I’m going to do to you what Malakai did to my mother.”

“None of you are above the Law.”

“And I am the Law.”