
DOOMPromo, Stubbins Doom

[Doom sits as a member of the jury at the head of a high court.]

[The Judge addresses the jury.]


[He shuffles uncomfortably in his seat.]

“People often claim they want justice. They say it’s like a burning desire that won’t go away until sated. They’ll do anything to achieve it. Some would take matters into their own hands, whilst others would hope that law and order would do that for them.”

[The Judge shakes his head.]

“One of the men you’re here to sentence, some might say is despicable. He was involved in the catastrophic and brutal murder of an innocent woman. She leaves behind a family that loves her very much. This man did not care about that. He selfishly took her life with no thought to the consequences left behind.

The other man you’re here to sentence, some might say is the victim. He was the husband of the wife so very brutally taken from him. He sought justice, and in doing so, finds himself in a similar position to the man who murdered her.”

[Doom says nothing.]

“To the first man, I sentence you to fifteen years imprisonment. Your crimes have been many and must not go unanswered. This isn’t your first offence and as a repeat offender, I know hazarding caution against future acts if release is futile.”

[He bangs his gavel and the first man is taken away.]

“To you, the loving husband and father, I have deliberated upon your sentence greatly. Your wife was taken from you, hence the motive for your actions. However, I cannot and will not allow you to be consequenced lightly. You’re a man of honour and valour, yet you’ve acted as if a hardened criminal in your search for burning justice. You ought to know better.

The first man, whilst the reason behind your anger, is a known criminal, you were an upstanding man of the community who acted so carelessly as to seek justice on another.

I sentence you to life imprisonment on Deathrow. May Arcadia have mercy on you.”

[The man screams and wails as the judge bangs his gavel and he’s dragged away. The Judge exits to his chambers and is soon followed by Doom, who closes the door behind him.]

“Was that to your liking, Mister Doom?”

[Doom nods.]

“I must ask… why did you want the husband judged more harshly than the criminal? He was the victim after all.”

[The Scientist takes a seat.]

“Because there is no such thing as justice. Justice is a fallacy that men tell themselves to feel better about the injustice they suffer. They wish to believe that for every ying there is a yang and for every right there is a wrong. There is no justice for men like him, Judge.”

[The Judge nods.]

“There’s only Doom.

As he found it, as will The Burned Man and Destructo Boy.”