
HatchetHatchet, Promo

“Sometimes, you just gotta start a fire.”

“My fuel of choice? Kerosene.”

“The thing about kerosene? It’s fuckin’ volatile.”

“It’s easy to get your hands on, and even fuckin’ easier to light on fire. If I wanted to burn down someone’s house, all I’d ever need is a bottle of kerosene and a bad day.”

“See, it starts simple. You spray it all over the floor, cover their fuckin’ bedsheets, and douse the curtains. It seeps into the wood, soaks into fabric, and before long that home turns into a tickin’ fuckin’ timebomb. Because a fire only needs three little things to burn. It needs fuel, it needs oxygen, and it needs a lil fuckin’ heat.”

“All you need is a spark to start a chain reaction.”

“Someone walks in, lights a match, flicks their lighter, and that whole fuckin’ house is goin’ up in smoke.”

“A couple hundred degrees of flames meltin’ their skin, smoke blackening their lungs.”

“Helpless as the flames spreads into every last room before their eyes.”

“All while the man with the match watches with a dirty fuckin’ smile on his face.”

“Olympus is kinda like a big, gaudy, fugly ass home. For the last few weeks every last motherfucker here has been actin’ like this house belongs to them. They’re fightin’ in every room, tearin’ up the curtains and rippin’ the sheets off of the beds. See, what they’re doin’ is what I like to call addin’ fuel to the fire.”

“Think about it.”

“No team in this match is on the same page, every last moment spent together leads to more pissin’ and moanin’.”

“Even the two fucktards on my team refuse to do their jobs.”

“Now, I could spend this match bitchin’ about it, but I ain’t gonna waste the oxygen.”

“Not when I can take advantage of it.”

“Because, as I see it, everyone in this match is one big pool of kerosene. They’ve splattered the walls, drenched the ring apron, soaked the ropes. Every last team is just beggin’ to tear one another apart in this big, nasty, volatile fuckin’ mess. Only a dumbass would get in the middle of it.”

“And Hatchet ain’t a dumbass.”

“In front of me is everything I need to burn Olympus to the ground and take what’s mine. There’s fuel from their fightin’, oxygen from their bitchin’…  All we need now is a spark.”

“And fuck do I love playin’ with fire.”

“When the bell rings I’m ganna light that match and get the ball rollin’. One well placed low blow, one good insult and everything will go up in smoke. A chain reaction as they all fall apart, their rage burnin’ them alive as the whole fuckin’ ring fills with fire.”

“Tearin’ each other apart, the fire spreadin’ from bitch to bitch until every last one of them is down for the count.”

“And me?”

“I’m gonna sit back, watch the fireworks… And when it’s all said and done?”

“I’ll piss on the ashes left behind.”

“Because eventually, everyone gets downed by the clown.”