Knock Knock

HatchetHatchet, Promo

“You keep knockin’ on the devil’s door and eventually someone’s ganna answer.”

“It’s startin’ to feel like every cunt in Arcadia is tryin’ to stick their nose where it don’t fuckin’ belong. See, last week a twink in a cheap costume decided to interrupt my business. That’s what people like me call knockin’ on the wrong fuckin’ door.”

“Imagine if every day, when you woke up, you went to your neighbor’s house. You slam your fist against the wood loud as fuck, just wail on it for an hour demanding that they come outside and talk to you. You’re a nosy little fuck, you got some questions for ’em. Maybe some complaints about the noise.”

“But they don’t come outside. You ain’t worth their time.”

“Except then the very next day you go and do the same god damned thing.”

“I bet they’d get pretty fuckin’ pissed, wouldn’t they?”

“Because as days go on, you keep barging onto their property, giving them headaches? One of these days they’re ganna fling that door open.”

“And you’ll find yourself silenced with a hatchet to the face.”

“Candy Fuckin’ Kane. You love knockin’ on doors, don’t ya? No, more than that, right? You love to walk right into someone else’s home and rifle through their shit like you fuckin’ own the place. See, I know what you’ve been up to, Candy Kunt. Arcadia’s got a lotta real degenerate people, and you can’t help but sniff them out, can ya?”

“Now, Carelli and Troy? They might be kind enough to hear you knockin’ and let you off with a warning. Maybe smack you in your fuckin’ lips and tell you to eat shit. You’d be lucky if that’s all that happened when they opened that door.”

“But I ain’t soft like them, Candy.”

“When this devil opens up the fuckin’ door, he don’t warn, he don’t play. No, I take my axe and put it right between your eyes just so I can watch you squirm on the ground.”

“All because you don’t know when to fuck off. You say there ain’t a lead you won’t follow, a trail you won’t leave? At the end of the day, if the trail leads you right back to my house, into my fuckin’ party? Then it means you went knockin’ on my door and you’re gonna get your wig split for your troubles.”

“I’m the fuckin’ devil in Arcadia, Candy. I take lives, I give pain, and I fuckin’ indulge in sin.”

“And I don’t take kindly to nosy fuckers coming to my home.”

“You? Captain Arcadia? Both of you made it a point to try and find trouble and I’m gonna make it a point to make you a statistic.”

“The bitch in spandex can wait, but right now? It’s just you and me, Candy. You want to see the shittiest parts of Arcadia? You wanna follow this lead?”

“Then knock on my door.”

“And find out first hand.”

“That everyone gets downed by the clown.”