Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall… Humpty Dumpty had a great fall… all Zeus’s horses and all Zeus’s men… couldn’t put… the pieces together again.
This speaks to me, we all fall, and we can all be broken and shattered into so many pieces that we may be unable to be reassembled. We put our faith in others to drag us up from our doldrums. Whether it be a father, brother, or son, we ask that they may be able to help put the pieces of our life, of what and who we are back together again. But all too often that faith and trust in those people is repaid with an iced cold blade of truth digging deep into our skin. Those people failed us.
Isn’t that right CJ? The Uprising once put its faith in you to help uplift us. You were trusted to support our cause in obtaining our freedom. Every life and member of the Uprising whose head lay in pieces from Narcissa’s bat, I lay at your feet. Their lives will never be put back together again.
Which makes it all the sweeter to see Jasper get to play his games with you, handing your mother to you… piece by piece. All the while your father looks at you with disdain and disappointment in his eyes. While your brother looks for someone to inflict his rage upon, knowing he wants you to be the victim. Both of them know you’re the one responsible for the pain, worry, anger, and angst they’re feeling. You’re the one who kept the secret of their missing mother and wife. But you can’t put yourself in their shoes can you Mr. Thorpe? You lack that level of introspection, don’t you?
Well, let me give it to you this week, my mixture… all you need to do is breathe it in… and all that of it will crash down upon you. Every moment of worry your father hides behind his stoic nature. You’ll experience the fear your father currently feels underneath that stone nature of his, the trepidation that he’ll never get to hold the mother of his children ever again. The constrained worry Jackson feels, forced to impotently tilt at windmills, frustratedly holding back the tears that he may never again feel his mother’s embrace again. Both of them know that even with all the pieces you have of her, they will never be able to make her whole again.
This week, I show you their hell inside that cell and Mr. Champion, I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay on the top of that parapet you’ve sat yourself upon with that title of yours. Because this week I will be your fall before Red Snow and when I’m done all Killer King’s horses and all the Killer King’s men won’t be able to put the pieces together to beat you again.