The Cancer

Jackson CadeJackson Cade, Promo

“You know, some may disagree, but I don’t find my job all too dissimilar to that of a doctor.”

“Imagine Arcadia as a big, healthy, human body. As the sheriff, my job is to make sure that Arcadia is safe, secure, and healthy. Try as I might, though, sometimes you run into something disastrous that a simple pill can’t fix.”

“Something that grows, expands, and digs itself into everything around it until it replicates upon the cells.”

“I’m talking about cancer, a tumorous growth embedded deep within the brain of Arcadia itself.”

“As a tumor grows, it isn’t simply content with staying put. No, it wants to move, to expand, to infect the rest of the body in the only way it knows how.”

“By changing the very cells around it.”

“Turning formerly virtuous cells into cancerous moles that carry their changed DNA all through Arcadia’s lymph nodes. If the tumor had its way, the whole of the body, of Arcadia, would be under its heel. Forever changed, uncaring for the lives it affected on its way to its goal.”

“My partner this week was one very cell that was infected by a certain cancer I can only call Doom.”

“I’ve been watching you, Stubbins. While I’ve been out doctoring the rest of Arcadia, either by injecting antibotics into the Redgrave infection or trying to diagnose the Midnight Owl Virus, I’ve still had you on my radar. For a long time I figured you had grown benign, holding onto your best friend Felix for dear life. But with what you’ve done these last few weeks? You revealed yourself to the world and showed just how dangerous you could be.”

“And now you wish to try and drag Arcadia down as you begin to spread through its cells.”

“It all started with your Odyssey Pool, didn’t it? The very center of your operation, the very thing that could take someone kind and heroic like Destructo Boy or Maxwell and turn them into dark, twisted versions of themselves. Mutated by your grasp and made to spread your sickening ways throughout Arcadia.”

“Even with the pool left in your burnt husk of a lab you’ve replaced it with a wave of drones, your tendrils tunneling through the levels in search of Burned Man so you can corrupt him once again. He fought you off once before, denied you as you tried to poison his mind.”

“And this week, he has more than just himself to fight you off. Like I said, I’m somewhat of a doctor myself, and I currently have all the tools I need to take you down.”

“I can remove you with surgical precision, Doom. With a kick to the skull, a scalpel to the brain, I’m going to rip you free from Arcadia so that no one else can be harmed.”

“No more spreading your corruption.”

“No more trying to destroy the place we call home.”

“Nobody is above the Law, Doom.”

“And I am the Law.”