The Diary Of A Brave Boy

Felix FoleyFelix Foley, Promo


Dear Diary,

I can’t believe I still have adoring fans! It’s the first time I’ve felt good about my past in a long time. It’s a shame that Klaus and Malakai had to ruin it.

It was nice to smile, at least… you know, once.

It feels like I lost my smile a long time ago. My mom keeps trying to remind me of the people that love and adore me. I didn’t think they existed anymore. I thought she was making them up to try and make me feel better.

She’d say… “Turn that frown upside down, Felix.”

Even after beating the OSW World Heavyweight Champion last week, I just didn’t feel like smiling. “That’s a huge feather in your cap,” Doom said. I just didn’t believe it at the time. I still don’t.

But sometimes you just have to endure.

I know all about that. I spent my entire childhood enduring. When does it stop? When can a man just be a man without having to suffer?

[Felix Foley stands in medical, his eyes focused on the receptionist sat at the desk before him, tapping away at her keyboard.]

[He grimaces subtly, waiting as patiently as he can.]

“Okay, so I have your medical record here, Mr. Foley and… oh my.”

[Felix winces.]

[She presses print and prints off the paperwork, sheepishly handing it over to him. Her face is beetroot red as she does. Felix takes the file and walks away, sitting down in the waiting room.]

“You know Damien, it may not come as a surprise to you that I know a thing or two about enduring pain.”

[He opens the file, revealing a picture of lesions and bruises.]

“When my father used to beat me, I suffered in silence for a long time. I thought that was what I had to do. I know, it seems simple now when I look back on it, but it didn’t have to be that way. All these cuts and bruises, I took them without making so much as a squeal.”

[He turns the page again, revealing more terrible pictures and a documented list of injuries as long as the sheet.]

“I thought I was being brave.”

[Foley chuckles to himself.]

“But the truth is, the more I took it, the more he gave it. He wanted me to break and you know, had I just gave in and broke, maybe I wouldn’t have suffered as much as I did.”

[He turns the page to reveal another list.]

“If Klaus Way is your abusive father figure, and you think sitting back and taking his abuse is the only way forward; please learn from my mistakes. It isn’t. If you’re any fan of mine, you’ll listen to what I say….”

[Foley stands up.]

“Because everything I ever said on Foley’s Funhouse wasn’t just for little boys and girls like you who didn’t know they weren’t alone.”

[He walks away.]

“It was for the people like you Damien.”