The Diary of a Lonely Kid

Felix FoleyFelix Foley, Promo


Dear Diary,

This is my first entry. Things haven’t been going so well. I’ve never been one to write down my thoughts. It hasn’t previously appealed, but my father has finally inspired me.

It only took him being brutally murdered by Tombstone to do it.

That’s the funny thing about fathers, isn’t it? You look to them for inspiration. For guidance. For support. It’s not unreasonable to expect them to be there when you need them.

It’s not unreasonable to expect them to be proud of you.

Why does it always seem that boys who become men can do little right in the eyes of the men who raised them? It’s not a competition. A man can be a man without being better than another man.

A man can just… be.

It goes doubly so for brothers. Lets face it, every parent has a favourite child. They don’t always like to admit it. My father never told me about my brother, but Albie was the son he always wanted, not me.

I was the booby prize. The after thought.

[It’s daunting for Felix Foley to come under the cover of darkness to a place where his nemesis may be. It might be considered stupid – if only it wasn’t proclaimed that he remains unspoilt.]

[He stands at the grave site of Albert Lamplight, wearing a dark grey hooded jumper.]

“I never knew my brother, CJ.”

[He looks longingly at the grave.]

“I wish I did.”

[A deep sense of sadness washes over him.]

“I’m sure had my father been the one to introduce us, that would’ve changed. I might’ve become resentful. Well, I’m sure I would have. “

[He shakes his head.]

“Could you imagine hating someone else just because your father liked them more than he liked you? I bet you’re imagining that right now. I bet your heart is full of resentment for the way you’re treated. I’m not here to tell you that you can’t resent or hate your brother… I wouldn’t dare.”

[Felix clears some debris from the grave.]

“I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t.”

[He smiles softly.]

“You should cherish your brother, CJ you should cherish every moment you get to spend with one another. You must know that. Arcadia is a cruel place at the best of times and when you have enemies, well, things can change in an instant.

Don’t you think Jasper Redgrave would happily take him from you?

Just like Tombstone took Albert from me.”

[The camera focuses on Foley’s eyes now.]

“Don’t let your father destroy what you have. Don’t be like me, CJ.

Choose love.

Not hate and resentment.

Choose family.

Not loneliness.

Choose your brother above all else.

Because if you don’t, there could become a time when you’re standing over his corpse, wishing that you had just one opportunity…

… To do exactly that.”

[Sad, Felix slowly walks away, leaving the Mortuary. Only he’s not alone. Eyes follow him to his exit. Watching.]