The Diary Of Someone Who Doesn’t Want To Write A Diary Entry

DOOMPromo, Stubbins Doom


Dear Diary,

Felix has forced me to pen something in his ridiculous little journal. What you don’t know about this little book is that it’s covers are made up of butterflies and fluffy animals.

If it isn’t bad enough that a grown man writes his own inner most thoughts down on paper, he has his best friend sat with a pencil scribbling this rubbish to be inscribed for all eternity as historical reference that Stubbins Doom wrote down his ‘feelings’.

I don’t generally use profanity, but are you fucking kidding me, Felix? What are you, a little girl?

And now he expects me to neatly tie this nonsense into something apt against those buffoon circus clowns we face next Monday at Vendetta.

Something something.. he forced me like Klaus forces you..

Signing off.

What do you mean, you don’t sign off? What kind of fucking diary is this?

[Doom stands in the lab and closes the diary, tossing it back at Felix. It lands forcibly in his hands. He isn’t happy about it.]

“Being forced to do something you don’t want to do is rarely an exercise in enjoyment. Whether you’re being forced to endure the beating of a lifetime that your dead beat father dished out every time he felt inadequate, or taking matters into your own hands because those who believe themselves to be superior, falter at every turn….”

[He gruffs.]

“…I’m talking to you, Nox.”

[Doom shakes his head.]

“It is rarely ‘fun’ as the kids say.”

[He looks at Felix who now sits down, reading the entry back to himself with a frown.]

“But Damien Solus and Ajax The Adonis are forced to do things they’d rather not do on a weekly basis. They’re forced to perform like monkeys, dancing on the puppeteers’ string like Klaus Way is their marionette.”

[Doom shrugs.]

“And next week, they’re forced into facing us – one man who really truly deeply cares about his fans…”

[He looks at Foley.]

“And me… one man who doesn’t give one iota about your sob story, your passions, your miserable existences or the fact that Klaus Way makes you dance into a match with the OSW Tag Team Champions that you simply cannot win.”

[Doom shakes his head.]

“I understand it. I do. Everyone does things they don’t want to do. I didn’t want to write an entry in his journal, but I did it.”

[With a shrug, he fiddles with some dials on his screens.]

“And look how that turned out.”

[Foley grimaces with disappointment.]

“When someone is forced to do something they don’t want to do, rarely is their heart ever in it. Rarely do they mean it. Rarely do they ever give you what you want. Klaus Way wants to force his subordinates into a match with The Tag Team Champions… well, don’t be surprised when what you get is two meat packages in puddles on the canvas, dear boy.”

[Doom’s voice becomes gruff.]

Because all will kneel before Doom…