
In Promo, Stubbins Doom by DOOM

[Doom stands in his workshop, looking down at a work top in which tools are spread out. He puts his hand to his masked chin, musing over what’s there.]

“For every task, there’s a tool. Some are better than others, dependent on the circumstances. Take this for example, it looks relatively innocuous, doesn’t it?”

[Doom picks up a tape measure, extending it.]

“A simple measurement device. It has no frills or fancies. You know what it is, but it’s succinct in what it does. It’s never at the forefront unless it needs to be, but you could never understate its importance. You see, measuring is a key proponent of the successful construction of any project.”

[He places the tape measure down and picks up a screwdriver.]

“Whereas this tool is very direct. A person would use this for a specific purpose, certainly, but a purpose that is designed to turn. What this does is more powerful than a tape measure, and much more direct.”

[He puts it down.]

“When Tombstone constructed Six Feet Under, he needed the right tools for the job. He found Malakai Midnight as his tape measure and Calypso as his screwdriver. Malakai would ensure that plans are perfectly organized and performed. His owls and ability to be precise in his endeavors would lead to the successful construction of any plan.

Calypso was brought in to turn the screw and she did exactly that. She punished Narcissa and now CJ Thorpe, ensuring that every screw she turns is the most painful and powerful of experience.”

[Doom looks over the tools and picks up a blunt Stanley knife. He looks it over, shaking his head.]

“This Stanley blade means a lot to me. I’ve had it since I was a boy and you can tell by the wear and tear that it’s not quite up to snuff any longer. It can’t cut anything properly – it’s jagged and ragged. There’s no such thing as a clean cut and sometimes, it’s not even capable of the task it was designed for.

But I keep it around, none the less. It remains in my toolbox because it retains sentimental value, not because it’s important or useful. In fact, it’d make more sense to purchase a new one and lord knows the credits aren’t expensive to do so.

I just can’t bring myself to toss it out.”

[He puts the knife down and looks at the tools on the table.]

“Tombstone has kept you around this long out of sentimentality, Gravedigger. Much like that Stanley blade, you’re ragged and ineffective. You couldn’t beat CJ Thorpe for the World Championship and you won’t be the right tool for the job that is defeating Doom.”

[Doom scoffs.]

“It’s just a matter of time before Six Feet Under realize that you’re not worth the space in their tool box and when that happens, you’ll be tossed aside.

Don’t worry though, Gravedigger…

You’ll still be a tool.”

[He chuckles at his joke.]

“And you will kneel before Doom.”