Harold’s War Journal:
Thunderstrike –
I sit here and all I am dealing with is consequences. No matter what I do I am going to have to deal with pissed off people. I either stand up for my principles and the people around me will hate what I do. Or I let myself fall away… everything I’ve become, every point I’ve made since I returned from Deathrow; to make nice with the man who stands between my daughter and myself in order to keep The Preservationists from retaining their power over OSW or do I push all my chips in and gamble on myself once more?
Do I bet on knowing Arcadia and OSW’s future is safer in the hands of the Seekers? Or do I sell my soul only to hand that future over to Way & Company potentially…
Thoughts like this hold me hostage as I try to sleep at night.
He may say, “It’s family business” but, George and Zephyr are my brothers. Michaela wants to talk about her adopted family but does she know what you did to mine Klaus? Does she know that you’re only in business for yourself? That if you wanted to, you’d sell that entire “family” of Way and Company if it meant you could you’d take Zeus’s place, a Baron with a far more callous heart.
But then we have the one who answers to the current Baron. This match was made to punish me for that very reason because my old “friend” Zeus thinks that I’m going to be paralyzed by this catch twenty-two. That I’m going to be stunned into submission… that you’ll get lay me out…. another masterpiece for you… and a chess piece off the board for Zeus. But if I want to talk about adopted family as I sit here writing this with a tear in my friggin’ eye. CJ was family you murderous fuck.
You two both think I’m fucked if I do or fucked if I don’t, but I have a message for you both… fuck you. Because I already sold out my principles once and it cost me… everything. My mind is made up, you both need to be put down like lame horses. Because this isn’t just about Zeus, it isn’t about Klaus Way, nor is it about Jasper Redgrave.
It’s about justice, justice for Zephyr, justice for CJ, justice for me goddamn it!
Because you’ve already poisoned my daughter against me Klaus, so I might as well show her exactly the monster you’ve made me. Show her the real reason to fear me, right?!
Isn’t that right, Jasper you may have more blood on your hands than I but I’m still that man deep down in places that I dread talking about, I am still capable of putting someone down.
And all it takes is, One Shot, One Kill, and as I look down at both of you the whole of Arcadia will know that nobody delivers justice like Nobody.