“Comfort is the enemy of progress.”
[He sighs.]“Take this patio for example. I built it using the finest materials that Arcadia had to offer. I crafted this beautiful mosaic design, and then subsequently put every facet in place to ensure its creation. I filled the joining holes appropriately to stop invaders, but one little crack in the surface layer of a small concrete block and this happens…”
[Doom shakes his head.]“A weed bursts through.”
[He grabs it by a small branching stem, pulling that part off.]“You can dismantle the weed, piece by piece, until it’s gone.”
[Doom stops, tossing the pieces aside.]“Or you can grab it by the root and yank it from the ground.”
[He does exactly that.]“And you might think you’ve got it all. You might think that the problem is resolved, and the perfect patio floor has once again been restored to its former glory.”
[A time lapse occurs, showing that the weed once again grows up through the crack.]“But that isn’t how it works. You see, pulling it out of the ground isn’t enough. You may think it’ll solve the problem but the problem still exists and will only choose to grow back once more.”
[Doom puts his metal fist around it.]“You see Gemini, this weed growing through your concrete can’t be just pulled out. El Mariachi Muerte just keeps coming back – haven’t you realized? You’ve plucked away at his tiny minute branches, piece by piece, decimating the love you had for him yet every time you think he’s gone, he comes back once again.”
[He pulls the weed out.]“No, pulling it out just isn’t enough. To have the matter resolved, it takes more extreme measures.”
[He walks away and comes back with weed killer, spraying it down where the weed once stood.]
“To stop the weed from growing back, you need to take things to the next level and believe it or not, you have the opportunity to do that. Thanks to the Baron and my Pantheon liege, you and El Mariachi Muerte will be able to scorch the Earth with one another at Red Snow.
Yet I don’t think you see the positive. I don’t think you understand the opportunity that is being afforded to you.
At Red Snow, you will finally get rid of that weed growing through your foundation, once and for all. You’ll be free of it, Gemini. All you need to do is become a killer. It isn’t difficult, trust me, I’ve been there myself.”
[He tosses the weed killer down.]“Because if you don’t, then that beautiful foundation of yours will be forever marred by his presence.
What a shame that would be, wouldn’t it?”