Ah, to feel heartbreak.
A good man was in a relationship once, spending the best years of his life with the woman he loved.
He was so wrapped up in the throes of passion that he committed himself to marrying her one day.
Fully prepared his mind, body, and soul to spend the rest of his life with this woman, he went and found the biggest, shiniest engagement ring that credits could buy.
Got all his friends and family together to prepare a lovely surprise gathering for the occasion.
He even went so far as to plan a trip with his lover to The Groves, knowing how much she loved the conservatory.
There, with several closest friends and family members to bear witness, the man got down on one knee, presented his beloved with the ring, and popped the question.
“Will you marry me?”
The woman’s face changed from utter surprise…to disappointment.
Sorrow, even.
“I love you, but…”
The man had heard enough.
He had just been burned by the woman he loved, and in the blink of an eye became something horrifying.
He turned his back on those who supported him, unrecognizable in their eyes as he escaped The Groves.
Finding himself wrapped up in grief instead.
This was a tragedy that shook the man to his very core, forcing him to hide away until he could finally cope with his loss.
He bound himself to finding hope again…but all it takes is a little tug to become unraveled.
Everyone in Arcadia knows the sting of heartbreak, whether it’s a bad breakup or something far, far worse.
Like losing one’s family…becoming a Burned Man in the process.
I can only imagine the pain you face everyday in your own heartbreak, Sole Survivor.
Walking around Arcadia as a constant reminder of the tragedy that made you who you are.
A man unrecognizable to those who supported you in a past life.
A man burned by the loss of the ones you loved.
Trying to cope as best you can, keeping yourself covered with those bandages in an effort to heal.
In many ways, you truly are a new man.
Eagerly trying to keep Destructo Boy safe and out of harm’s way.
I can’t blame you, buddy…Arcadia is a very dark place, indeed.
Danger lurks everywhere.
But all those efforts to keep ol’ Destructo safe are slowly tugging away at you.
Pulling right at the bandages that keep you safe from the dangers of Arcadia.
You’ve had your chance to use those loose wrappings to your advantage, but someone else has a hold of them now.
Good ol’ Colt Ramsey.
And if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s knowing just how hard I can pull.
One good yank ought to do the trick.
Watch the Arcadian Mummy spin around and become dizzy from watching everything fly by.
And that, my friend, is when the final heartbreak comes in.
Realizing you’ve gone and disappointed the only friend you have in Arcadia.