“Have you ever been at the Ground Zero of a disaster?”
“Nothing can prepare you for it.”
“Because seeing it through a monitor is one thing, but to be there is another.”
“The smell of smoke and smoldering metal in the air, the screams of terrified survivors bouncing off of the Level walls. It’s horrible, practically indescribable. Hundreds of souls silenced in an instant and all you have left are corpses and rubble.”
“While most men would fall to their knees and cry, asking how this could happen, what they could have done to avoid it?”
“I came walking away wanting to know who and why.”
“Because amongst the broken bodies and fractured lives were a million tiny pieces of my friend who was used as a weapon of mass destruction. I saw his remains scattered across the Red Light District. I know he’d never have done this himself.”
“So I did what any good officer would do, I got a lead from a reliable source and I followed the trail all the way here.”
“To the Hive.”
“Jinx, you talk big for a little girl who hides behind her computer screens and watches history unfold before her very eyes.”
“And that’s the difference between us.”
“Everything you could possibly watch on that monitor? Be it footage of my fall, the records of my reports? It’s all surface level, something you can’t even begin to comprehend as you sit in the comfort of your chair.”
“It leaves you detached from everything. Be it the Gallery, Pegg’s hospital room, or The Red Light Incident, you’ve only seen it through the lens of a camera. You’d like to believe you’re untouchable where you are.”
“And that’s what makes you weak, Jinx.”
“I’ve been in the center of it all, I’ve lived through things that you could never imagine. I’ve fought, bled, and cried so that I could get where I am today! Yet you sit back and mock me, mock the lost lives, and dare to question my authority because you don’t understand the trauma and pain that fills the world around you.”
“When I left the Red Light District, I had all I needed to know to come question you, Jinx.”
“You’re who had the access to tech.”
“The one who knew how to modify him.”
“Tec was exactly what you needed.”
“And pretty soon? I’m going to find out why.”
“Because I’m not just a video on your monitor anymore, Jinx.”
“I’m real.”
“The badge on my chest is real.”
“And the title around my waist is all too real.”
“If you won’t come without a fight, I’ll show you the pain that the people of Arcadia feel.”
“Every punch, kick, and throw filled with the anguish of the lost.”
“Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. No matter what you throw at me, I won’t stop until I get the answers I’m looking for.”
“I’m bringing you in for questioning, Jinx.”
“Because the Law has come to the Hive.”
“And nobody is above the Law.”