I still remember the smell.
Death had entered my olfactory senses and lived there rent free.
I still wish I could say that for Sarah.
You see, she was my roommate after I left my home of brothely love.
Then I met an amazing guy, I fell for him and I fell hard.
I fell so hard that I decided to live with him not long after getting together.
A few weeks went by and I went back to my old place to grab some things and say thank you to the friend who got me out of the mess I call my childhood.
I didn’t know that thank you would turn to a goodbye.
She was on the floor in a pool of her own blood next to a note that read:
“I just want you to know I loved you, it’s why I helped you get out of there, it’s why I got us a place, it’s why I did this. I hope he makes you happy and treats you like I would have. You left me without warning. I hope you’re the first to see me like this because I want you to know how it feels.”
I broke down and called the cops, out came the familiar tropes, the investigator who has to take pictures of everything, the cop and his partner new to this side of the law, and a woman trying to be strong in the midst of a tragedy.
All I could do after they asked questions was go to the man I loved and tell him what happened.
I needed a shoulder to cry on but it was ice cold like he didn’t care. This wasn’t the man I fell in love with so I asked him some questions just to see what was wrong.
Nothing i asked changed how he reacted towards me or gave me hope that his frigid nature was temporary.
Every question just made him shut down until he eventually snapped and screamed to the heavens “Want to join Sarah? I’ll show you exactly how I made her disappear. “
A sickening smile spread across his face as he grabbed a knife from the kitchen.
He laughed like an animal as he marched towards me, his words and laughter became a nightmare cacophony. All I could do was wait and see if I had an opening or opportunity to attack and defend myself.
As he went after me, I kicked his leg out from under him and he fell forward neck first into the blade.
As the blood trickled out of his throat, the reality of my world started trickling into my mind.
Both people I lived with were gone and I had to figure out how I was going to live and where.
I panicked and decided that would be future Narcissa’s problem.
For now, I would just go to sleep and come to terms with my new truth.
The closest people I had were gone.
Death had become my roommate.